
Hamidah Lutfiyanti Maharani 18

Prediksi dan Visualisasi Inflow-Outflow Uang Kartal di Aceh menggunakan RStudio Latest


Dosen Pengampu : Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom Mata Kuliah : Linear Algebra Prodi : Teknik Informatika Lembaga : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang” Pengertian Inflow Outflow Uang Kartal Inflow merupakan masuknya sejumlah dana...

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Hersh Parikh 18

Bioinformatics Workflow Latest


Assignment: Your assignment is to use your notes from class - along with help from classmates, UTAs, and me - to turn this script into a fleshed-out description of what is going on. This is a substantial project - we’ll work on it in steps over...

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John LLoyd Espada 18

First Activity Latest


Load Libraries library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.3 v purrr 0.3.4 ## v tibble 3.1.1 v dplyr 1.0.7 ## v tidyr 1.1.3 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v...

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Afris Setiya Intan Amanda 18

Tugas Akhir Mandarel Latest


Tugas Akhir Mandarel Tugas Akhir Mandarel Engine SQL Menggunakan DPLYR Data Wrangling Afris Setiya Intan Amanda 12/23/2021 Engine SQL Publikasi ini menggunakan basis data sampel chinook yang digunakan sebagai database untuk mengakses dan...

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Isaac Díaz A01540543 18

Comandos Básicos Latest


En este primer markdown, analizaremos los comandos básicos de R conociendo algunas de las herramientas para realizar algunas operaciones aritméticas. Símbolos ^ Asignación de Variables x <- 3 y <- 2 Impresión de Resultados x ## [1]...

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Caso1 análisis de promedios de alumnos Latest


Objetivo Elaborar un análisis descriptivo de la variable promedios de alumnos una muestra de la población a partir de la lectura de un archivo promedios.csv Descripción Importar datos de promedio en la dirección:...

2139 sym R (3360 sym/18 pcs)

Jack Glanville 18

My First Publication Latest


Q1 What is R? R is the engine of the opporation. Q2 What is RStudio? R studio is where R’s functions are put into place. Q3 What is R packages? Hint: Type your answer in bold. Note: For help with RMarkdown syntax, go Help > Cheatsheets > R...

394 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs)

James Keirstead 18

Changing the fonts in R plots Latest


Tweet I use R to do almost all of my statistical analysis and plotting. It has a very steep learning curve but once you get into it, it’s very powerful and you can customise almost anything. The only problem is that these changes are not always...

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Jaquan Seme 18

"My First Publication" Latest


Q1 What is R? A program that allows you to code Q2 What is RStudio? Precise version of R Q3 What is R packages? Different Codes that you can download into apps on a phone Note: For help with RMarkdown syntax, go Help > Cheatsheets > R Markdown...

294 sym

Congress Decline Latest


Document History Original Publish Date: 24 October, 2020 Updated on: 04 December, 2020 Overview of Congress Performance Over the Years Year Seats_Contested SeatsWon Turnout Vote_Share_Cont Overall_Vote_Share Deposit_Lost_Seats...

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