
Gokul Bhandari 19

Regression overview Latest


setwd("C:/gokul/3230R") #### Table 2.3 housing.df <- read.csv("data/WestRoxbury.csv", header = TRUE) # load data dim(housing.df) # find the dimension of data frame ## [1] 5802 14 head(housing.df) # show the first six rows ##...

193 sym R (135490 sym/69 pcs)

Gustavo Regalado 19

Document Latest


Chapter 1 It’s Not Just about Forecasting The following are the key points in the chapter. Elaborate on each point in at least 30 words. Understanding economics can help you to diagnose the causes of increases or decreases in sales volumes...

1155 sym

Gopi Goteti 19

Towards the R package sheldus, Part 1: Natural Disaster Losses in the US in 2012 Latest


The SHELDUS database, short for Spatial Hazard Events and Losses Database in the United States (, from the University of South Carolina, is a  database on human and property losses from natural...

2426 sym 4 img

Pengcheng Zhai 19

lab2 Latest


Chapter 3 - Sampling the Imaginary This chapter introduced the basic procedures for manipulating posterior distributions. Our fundamental tool is samples of parameter values drawn from the posterior distribution. These samples can be used to...

2579 sym R (1320 sym/15 pcs) 5 img

Pedro Gonçalves da Cunha 19

Aula01/Vasco Latest


Ao Vasco tudo. Hino do Vasco Vamos todos cantar de coração A Cruz de Malta é o meu pendão Tu tens o nome do heroico português Vasco da Gama, a tua fama assim se fez Tua imensa torcida é bem feliz Norte-Sul, Norte-Sul deste Brasil Tua...

912 sym 2 img

Pedro González Beermann 19

Problema 2.3 Latest


Problema Cap2-23 En un laboratorio bajo condiciones controladas, se evaluó, para 10 hombres y 10 mujeres, la temperatura que cada persona encontró más confortable. Los resultados en grados Fahrenheit fueron los siguientes: Entrada de Datos:...

1065 sym R (1156 sym/8 pcs) 3 img

Posts on Maëlle's R blog 19

Combine your hex stickers with magic(k) Latest


Hex stickers remind me of Pogs, except they’re cooler because you can combine them together! Some people do that very smartly. Now when I forget how to do an #rstats analysis I can just check the back of my laptop #runconf16...

3230 sym R (1135 sym/5 pcs) 4 img

R on Chi's Impe[r]fect Blog 19

Testing Entry with R Rmarkdown File Latest


Hello! World! Just figuring out how the blog post works with this random set of coffee data! Espresso Drinks Visualized with ggplot2 Pie Chart Pie chart can be created with using polar coordinate. ## Pie Chart coffee_long %>% ggplot() +...

666 sym R (789 sym/2 pcs) 4 img

R on Data & The World 19

MST3K Episode vs Movie Scores Latest


First broadcast in 1988, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a television show whose nominal story involves a guy being trapped in space by a couple of mad scientist types…which is actually just an excuse to have a few guys make fun of really,...

4319 sym 8 img

test Latest


help("read.csv") ?read.csv data...

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