
cwestsmith 19

Data 607 - Homework 1 Latest


Overview For this assignment I used a data set from fivethirtyeight focused on the concern of Americans on COVID-19 infections as well as on its impact on the economy. Although only one dataset was used for this assignment, serveral were included...

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Mengqin Cai 19

Document Latest


Section I Create an Example. Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any dataset from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the selected...

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Daniel Mamani 19

Mamani_lab916 Latest


Question 1 and 2 x<-c(5,10,15,20,25,30) y<-c(-1,NA,75,3,5,8) z<-c(5) xz<-x*z yz<-y*z print(xz) ## [1] 25 50 75 100 125 150 print(yz) ## [1] -5 NA 375 15 25 40 Question 3 library(haven) library(readr) stata<-...

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Dan Mirman 19

Crawford-Howell (1998) t-test for case-control comparisons Latest


Cognitive neuropsychologists (like me) often need to compare a single case to a small control group, but the standard two-sample t-test does not work for this because the case is only one observation. Several different approaches have been...

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DBB 19

Panasonic vs Honeywell 12feb2020 7april2020 Latest


#**Linear regression SML complete Panasonic vs Honeywell** #**12feb2020 7april2020 resolution 1hour** library(readxl) library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse...

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Data Imaginist - R posts 19

Announcing curry: Operator based currying and partial application Latest


I am pleased to announce the release of curry – a small package I’ve developed as part of improving my meta-programming skills. curry is yet another attempt at providing a native currying/partial application mechanism in R. Other examples...

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Sergio de Data 4HR 19

Respuestas parciales Encuesta KIWI Latest


library(tidyverse) library(gargle) library(googlesheets4) library(funModeling) library(gt) library(scales) library(extrafont) loadfonts(quiet = TRUE) # Estilo de los gráficos estilo <- theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),...

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David Selby 19

Secret Santa in R Latest


Our office just exchanged presents for Secret Santa, a tradition where each person is randomly assigned someone else to give an anonyous gift. One of the challenges of Secret Santa is keeping the pairs of gift-givers and receivers both random and...

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jesus david apodaca urias 19

tarea 1 aplicada Latest


tarea 1 estadistica aplicada Para esta tarea se usara R y se usaran datos de una de las estaturas de niños en la primaria Emiliano Zapata: NORMALCLIMCDOB <- c(1.35, 1.45, 1.4, 1.43, 1.49, 1.49, 1.51, 1.5, 1.55, 1.47, 1.55, 1.57, 1.39, 1.44, 1.43,...

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Diego Calderón 19

Tarea 1_Ejercicio 1 Latest


A continuación se presenta la tarea referida al TEMA 1 del Máster en Estadística Aplicada install.packages ("ISLR") library(ISLR) Ejercicio 1 1. Utilizando cualquiera de los datasets incluidos en la librería ISLR, realice un análisis...

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