
Ernesto Cancho-Rodriguez 19

Clustering_Model_SINADEF Latest


R Markdown Note: This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see # Los siguientes 2 paquetes son para...

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Centro de Economía y Política Regional (CEPR) 19

Boletín Laboral CEPR NDE-2019 Latest


Panorama General El 28 de febrero, el INE lanzó la segunda actualización1 de los datos de Empleo en base al ultimo Censo de Población 2017. Se espera que esta actualización represente de mejor manera el mercado laboral. A pesar de un leve...

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fabiomarroni 19

R function to reverse and complement a DNA sequence Latest


Warning!! This post is intended for documentation only. I would like to remind everyone (me in first place!) that the comp() function of the (seqinr) package can complement a DNA sequence, and rev() function of Rbase can reverse a character...

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2020_tesis_Rx panorámicas y genero Latest


#packages library("tidyverse") #cargo el df #los descriptivos (como en articulo original), por genero df3 %>% group_by(Género) %>% summarise(n=n(), Porcentaje = `n`/89*100) `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups`...

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FishyOperations 19

Introducing simmer: Discrete Event Simulation for R Latest


This post has been transferred from another blog platform and could have dead links / incorrect lay-out. Please note: the syntax described here is no longer up-to-date, please refer to the readme at simmer’s GitHub page. The simmer package...

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Ben Frey 19

QaQC Siene Latest


QA/QC species names Original List of Species Names ## [1] "Pomatomus saltatrix" "Atherinidae Sp." ## [3] "" "Brevoortia tyrannus" ## [5] "Leiostomus xanthurus"...

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fumita 19

Document Latest

19.12.2019 library(readr) ## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 3.6.2 income = read_csv("income.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## id =...

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Gabriel Santos 19

DATA605 Week 11 Discussion Board Latest


Using R, build a multiple regression model for data that interests you.Conduct residual analysis. Was the linear model appropriate? Why or why not?. Include in this model at least one quadratic term,bone dichotomous term, and one dichotomous...

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Josh Carrell 19

T-Tests Latest


This document uses the ToothGrowth dataset readily available in R. The dataset contains information on the effect of vitamin C on tooth growth in Guinea Pigs. Terms that are highlighted are defined at the bottom of the document. library(pander)...

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Gillian Cheng 19

Storm Data Exploratory analysis Latest


Synopsis This is a project to explore the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Storm Database, and through some exploratory analysis on the health consequences and economical loss caused by severe weather events. Data from...

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