Indian Agriculture 1997-2015 Latest
ML Dashboard Interactive Data Visualization Row INDIAN AGRICULTURE 1997-2015 INDIAN AGRICULTURE 1997-2015 Total Production from 1997 to 2015 141 Total Area under Cultivation 2954 Crop Production Per Unit Area of Cultivation 47.79...
2726 sym R (46923 sym/8 pcs) 18 img
Avraham 20
Updated directions on building 64-bit Rblas using OpenBLAS for R 3.2 Latest
I’ve updated the directions as to how to build 64-bit R for Windows linking to OpenBLAS, as the entire R build process for Windows will change for R version 3.2 and subsequent. I’ve turned it into a static page, instead of a post, in case the...
932 sym
Yonathan Anggraiwan 20
Document Latest
1 Binomial Distribution 1.1 Question What is a binomial distribution in Statistics? What is binomial distribution used for? Please argue 4 requirements needed to be a binomial distribution? Is a binomial distribution a normal distribution?...
35945 sym R (1564 sym/16 pcs) 1 img
Diskretisasi (bagian 1) Latest
Bahan Kuliah Pemodelan Klasifikasi - Prodi Statistika Terapan - IPB University Definisi Diskretisasi Andaikan dataset berisi \(N\) observasi, proses diskretisasi terhadap variabel numerik \(A\) adalah mengubah nilai variabel tersebut menjadi m...
7510 sym R (4506 sym/29 pcs) 2 img
Olivia Jin, Jennifer Ko, Bea Lee, Chica Morrow 20
Covid & Inequality - Final Project for MATH 218 Latest
Introduction Our group aims to look at US county-level data on eviction and demographics (e.g. eviction filings, poverty rate, and racial distributions), as well as their relevance with Covid-19 statistics like death and case rates. Using...
48348 sym R (114571 sym/151 pcs) 35 img 5 tbl
Muhammad Annas Bintar Putra 20
Modul 2 Grafik dan Fungsi Latest
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Kali ini, saya akan menjelaskan mengenai fungsi dan grafik pada bahasa pemrograman R Dengan library yang bernama ‘mosaicCalc’, kita dapat dengan mudah untuk menggambarkan plot. Perlu diingat, kita...
2423 sym R (5779 sym/41 pcs) 14 img
Hossein Bahreinizad 20
Flipped assignment 3 Latest
1 Descriptive statistics In this project we will compare the heart rate of male and female. We will calculate the minimum, maximum, sample mean, sample standard deviation, sample median and quartiles of the resting heart rate for both male and...
2525 sym 5 img
Variational Approximations in Survival Analysis Latest
Variational Approximations dummy slide Introduction \[ \definecolor{gray}{RGB}{192,192,192} \renewcommand\vec{\boldsymbol} \def\bigO#1{\mathcal{O}(#1)} \def\Cond#1#2{\left(#1\,\middle|\, #2\right)} \def\mat#1{\boldsymbol{#1}}...
16197 sym R (1153 sym/4 pcs) 22 img 1 tbl
Document Latest
Homework 1 Author Brian Surratt Published January 20, 2023 Brian Surratt Use a screen capture tool to take a capture of you R session showing version 4.2.2. This is my r. Use a screen capture tool to take a...
334 sym 2 img
José María Durazo Durazo / A01251747 20
Market Basket Analisis Latest
a Inicio del codigo Para iniciar el codigo se asignó como variable el documento de ventas del supermercado con el nombre de: “bd” bd <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\chema\\Downloads\\ventas_correcto.csv") Analizar la base de datos Una vez la base...
2352 sym R (353483 sym/45 pcs) 1 img