Publications by Avraham
Updated directions on building 64-bit Rblas using OpenBLAS for R 3.2
I’ve updated the directions as to how to build 64-bit R for Windows linking to OpenBLAS, as the entire R build process for Windows will change for R version 3.2 and subsequent. I’ve turned it into a static page, instead of a post, in case the build process changes again. While the title has 3.2 in it, the URL doesn’t, so it should be future...
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New package on CRAN: lamW
Recently, in various research projects, the Lambert-W function arose a number of times. Somewhat frustratingly, there is no built-in function in R to calculate it. The only options were those in the gsl and LambertW packages, the latter merely importing the former. Importing the entire GNU Scientific Library (GSL) can be a bit of a hassle, especi...
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A Practical Example of Calculating Padé Approximant Coefficients Using R
Introduction I recently had the opportunity to use Padé approximants. There is a lot of good information available on line on the theory and applications of using Padé approximants, but I had trouble finding a good example explaining just how to calculate the co-efficients. Basic Background Hearken back to undergraduate calculus for a moment. ...
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Padé approximants: CRAN package
While working on the previous post about Padé approximants, a search on CRAN showed that there was only one package which calculated the coefficients, given the appropriate Taylor series: the pracma package. The method it uses seems rather sophisticated, but does allow for calculating coefficients “beyond” that which the Taylor series would ...
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New version of OpenBLAS released
OpenBLAS 0.2.15 has been released. I’ll be building Rblas.dll for Sandy and Ivy bridges on Windows shortly, and would certainly like to hear from anyone else using OpenBLAS and R on Windows. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Strange Attractors » R. offers daily e-mai...
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Updated R & BLAS Timings
With the recent releases of R 3.2.4 and OpenBLAS 2.17, I decided it was time to re-benchmark R speed. I’ve settled on a particular set of tests, based on my experience as well as some of Simon Urbanek’s work which I separated into two groups: those focusing on BLAS-heavy operations and those which do not. I’ve posted the code I use to its o...
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Updated OpenBLAS instructions for R-3.3+ and Rtools34
I’ve just updated the instructions for building a 64-bit OpenBLAS-based Rblas.dll for Windows to reflect changes to R 3.3+ and Rtools34. Enjoy! Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R – Strange Attractors. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about lea...
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Updated OpenBLAS instructions for R-3.3+ and Rtools34
I’ve just updated the instructions for building a 64-bit OpenBLAS-based Rblas.dll for Windows to reflect changes to R 3.3+ and Rtools34. Enjoy! Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R – Strange Attractors. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about lea...
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Enough trying to use LTO
After months and months of working trying to get R on 64 bit Windows to work with link-time-optimization (LTO), I’ve come to the conclusion that GCC 4.9.3’s implementation of LTO just isn’t polished enough to work across the entire R infrastructure. I have been able to get base R, nloptr, Rblas, and Rlapack to compile with LTO, but they are...
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Enough trying to use LTO
After months and months of working trying to get R on 64 bit Windows to work with link-time-optimization (LTO), I’ve come to the conclusion that GCC 4.9.3’s implementation of LTO just isn’t polished enough to work across the entire R infrastructure. I have been able to get base R, nloptr, Rblas, and Rlapack to compile with LTO, but they are...
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