Publications by Olivia Jin, Jennifer Ko, Bea Lee, Chica Morrow

Covid & Inequality - Final Project for MATH 218


Introduction Our group aims to look at US county-level data on eviction and demographics (e.g. eviction filings, poverty rate, and racial distributions), as well as their relevance with Covid-19 statistics like death and case rates. Using supervised and unsupervised learning, we explore the data that we obtained from USAFacts (https://usafacts.o...

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Lab 1: Intro to R and R Studio


Getting Started Before beginning this lab, make sure you’ve: created a sub-folder for this assignment (ie, Lab1) within your ECON_210 folder; within your assignment sub-folder, created another sub-folder called DATA; downloaded the necessary data from the WordPress site and saved it to your assignment-specific subfolder; set your working direc...

18701 sym R (874 sym/17 pcs) 6 img

Problem Set 2


In Lab 2, we documented differences in income and poverty rates among White and Black US residents. There are various reasons for what causes these gaps (racism, discrimination, and intergenerational mobility, just to name a few). We will investigate whether education can explain these gaps. We’ll be working with data from the American Communit...

3733 sym

Problem Set 1


The primary dataset we’ll be using is The Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics. We’ll also be using the National Prisoner Statistics from Lab 1. Questions 1. Create a plot of violent crime per 100,000 over the years 1960 to 2014. Compare and contrast this plot with the a plot of total incarceration per 100,000 (using the NPS_Pop data from Lab...

2561 sym

Lab 2: Intro to Data


Getting Started Before beginning this lab, make sure you’ve: created a sub-folder for this assignment within your ECON_210 folder Within your assignment sub-folder, created another sub-folder called DATA Downloaded the necessary data from the WordPress site and saved it to your assignment-specific subfolder. Set your working directly. The addr...

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Lab 3: The normal distribution


In this lab, you’ll investigate the probability distribution that is most central to statistics: the normal distribution. If you are confident that your data are nearly normal, that opens the door to many powerful statistical methods. Here we’ll use the graphical tools of R to assess the normality of our data and also learn how to generate ra...

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Problem Set 3


Covid-19 has surged in many states in the US over the summer of 2019 and there have been various explanations for this might have occurred. One theory is that super spreader events might be inducing a large uptake in cases. Bars, where people congregate in tightly packed spaces, with little ventilation, and have to talk loudly might be a prime ca...

1911 sym

ECON 210 Problem Set 4


Covid-19: Estimating Prevalence Herd immunity refers to the state when enough people in the population become immune to COVID-19 that the spread of the coronavirus slows or stops. The big question is what proportion of the population needs to be immune to achieve this protection. If herd immunity is a possibility, it would help policy makers and ...

2064 sym

Problem Set 5


Political Polling Imagine you are working as a pollster for a US presidential candidate. Pennsylvania (population 13 million) is a swing state an essential one to carry in order to win the presidency. Suppose that 51% of Pennsylvania voters plan on voting for your candidate. Treat this as the population proportion and assume that we know it. libr...

1550 sym R (52 sym/1 pcs)

Lab 7: Cleaning / Merging / Descriptive Analysis (Part I)


Preliminaries Before beginning this lab, make sure you’ve: created a sub-folder for this assignment within your ECON_210 folder Within your assignment sub-folder, created another sub-folder called DATA Downloaded the necessary data from the WordPress site and saved it to your assignment-specific subfolder. Set your working directory. The addre...

10858 sym R (10097 sym/62 pcs)