Publications by Olivia Jin, Jennifer Ko, Bea Lee, Chica Morrow
Lab 7 Part II: Descriptive Analysis
Now that you have cleaned and merged multiple datasets, we’re ready to so some analysis. As previously noted, the question we will examine: “Is voter turnout lower in counties with a higher percentage of Black voters?” One motivation for this question are the claims that voter turnout is being suppressed. Who gets to vote in Florida? Let’...
4227 sym R (6786 sym/27 pcs) 4 img
Problem Set 6
The data Dataset 1: EPA Outdoor AirQuality Data for PM 2.5 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent agency within the US government responsible for protecting human and environmental health. We’ll be working with the EPA’s AirQuality data on PM 2.5- fine inhalable particles (particulate matter) 2.5 micrometers in diameter....
2832 sym R (1953 sym/9 pcs)
Lab 8: Spatial Analysis and Linear Regression
Preliminaries Before beginning this lab, make sure you’ve: created a sub-folder for this assignment within your ECON_210 folder Within your assignment sub-folder, created another sub-folder called DATA Downloaded the necessary data from the WordPress site and save it to your assignment-specific subfolder. Set your working directory. The addres...
8650 sym R (9479 sym/51 pcs) 3 img
Problem Set 7
As the Equal Justice Initiative states, “The lynching of African Americans was terrorism, a widely supported campaign to enforce racial subordination and segregation.” We will examine if areas that had lynchings at the turn of the 20th century are more prone to police violence. Before beginning this problem set, please read “Lynching in Ame...
2146 sym
Problem Set 8
Are the uninsured more likely to end up in poverty? Health insurance has a number of benefits, but perhaps one of the largest is its ability to shield individuals (and families) from catastrophic financial ruin. In the United States, health expenses are one of the leading causes of personal bankrupcy. Also, given that health insurance in the Unit...
1775 sym
Lab 9 Part I: Analysis in 3 Parts: Time, Space, and Regression
Are the declines in Union Membership leading to income inequality? We will measure income inequality by using the share of all income capture by the top 1% of income earnings. As this share increases, income inequality increases. We will examine this question by analyzing inequality and union membership over time, over space, and using a linear r...
6976 sym R (10204 sym/35 pcs)
Lab 12 Part II: Analysis in 4 Parts: Time, Space, Scatterplots, and RegressionDocument
Are the declines in Union Membership leading to income inequality? We will measure income inequality by using the share of all income capture by the top 1% of income earnings. As this share increases, income inequality increases. We will examine this question by analyzing inequality and union membership over time, over space, and using a linear r...
5133 sym R (4712 sym/21 pcs) 6 img
Problem Set 9
How does income inequality affect voting patterns? We will do a brief investigation on the association between income inequality and vote share for a specific party. Does greater income inequality lead to voters favoring a certain party? Datasets National inequality dataset used in Lab 9 (national_ineq_union) National Presidential Election Data...
2535 sym
Problem Set 10
As the Equal Justice Initiative states, “The lynching of African Americans was terrorism, a widely supported campaign to enforce racial subordination and segregation.” We will examine if areas that had lynchings at the turn of the 20th century are more prone to police violence. Before beginning this problem set, please read “Lynching in Ame...
2146 sym
Test Lab
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...
607 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs) 1 img