
Loren 20



HINO FLAMENGO HINO FLAMENGO HINO FLAMENGO HINO FLAMENGO HINO FLAMENGO Uma vez Flamengo Sempre Flamengo Flamengo sempre eu hei de ser É meu maior prazer vê-lo brilhar Seja na terra, seja no mar Vencer, vencer, vencer Uma vez Flamengo Flamengo...

947 sym 1 img

MAPc Fall 19 results Latest


1. Construct Map Link to construct map 2. Items & Scoring Guides Cycle.02 Hiring.01.MC Jakai Pest.03.OE Population.04.OE Powder.02 T-shirt.01 3. Wright Maps Calibration stats from calibration 814 cases 23 scorable “units” WLE...

519 sym 2 img 1 tbl

Harris Wohl 20

Natural Disaster Analysis Latest


Synopsis The goal of this analysis is to address the following questions: Across the United States, which types of events are most harmful with respect to population health? Across the United States, which types of events have the greatest...

1823 sym R (4273 sym/14 pcs) 2 img

Seguro Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

598 sym 1 img

Hemant Yadav 20

Small world and Large world Assignment_Hemant Latest


Chapter 2 - Small Worlds and Large Worlds The objectives of this problem set is to work with the conceptual mechanics of Bayesian data analysis. The target of inference in Bayesian inference is a posterior probability distribution. Posterior...

3769 sym Python (7552 sym/8 pcs)

Huan-Kai Tseng 20

Support Hyperplane (SHP) Latest


Understanding separating hyperplane (or support hyperplane) # generate random data # random seed set.seed(123) #set n = 500 data points. n <- 500 #Generate data frame with two uniformly distributed predictors lying between 0 and 1. df <-...

106 sym R (12331 sym/14 pcs) 4 img

Hudson Finch-Batista 20

Present Day Birth Records in the United States Latest


##Data: Present Day Birth Records in the United States source("") 1. What years are included in this data set? What are the dimensions of the data frame and what are the variable or column names?...

716 sym R (925 sym/13 pcs) 3 img

Ismael Calandri 20

Glioma analisis Latest


## ## Attaching package: 'table1' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## units, units<- ## Warning: package 'expss' was built under R version 4.0.2 ## ## Use 'expss_output_rnotebook()' to display tables inside R...

4333 sym R (11271 sym/108 pcs) 7 img

SJ 20

publish to R Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document...

598 sym 1 img

José Antonio Ortega 20

Pisa2015 CCAA Latest


Este es un ejemplo de fichero R markdown que te sirve para aprender varias cosas: Fijándote en el código, cómo funciona R. En particular, este código es un ejemplo típico de las distintas fases del análisis empírico: lectura de datos,...

7952 sym R (14457 sym/25 pcs) 1 img