Ram 20
The Skills of a Data Miner Latest
Data mining is not only statistics, even if statistics is the most recognized academic component of it. It also includes data cleaning, machine learning and data visualization. The scarce factor is the ability to understand that data and extract...
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Rebecca Kerrigan 20
Follicle stimulating hormone html Latest
Image from: Decatur, W. and Harel, M. (2014).Glycosylated FSH complex with acetylamino-deoxy-pyranose and sulfate binding to the leucine-rich domain of Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor. [image] Available at:...
1657 sym 1 img
Ryan Masingill 20
My First Publication Latest
Q1 What is R? R is a programming language to organize and analyize data Q2 What is RStudio? RStudio is the program that you write the code Q3 What is R packages? R packages are external data sets that you can import into RStudio Hint: Type your...
362 sym
Máximo Josué Cruz Carreón 20
Mi primer Hola mundo Latest
Es un archivo markdown Es un sub encabezado de segundo nivel Es un subencabezado de tercer nivel Es un subencabezado de cuarto nivel...
147 sym
Rodrigo Arellano Rodríguez 20040377 20
Caso 4. Cuartiles y Percentiles Latest
#1 Cargar librerías library(readr) library (ggplot2) library(resumeRdesc) #Construir los datos set.seed(2020) n <- 100 media.edad <- 45; ds.edad <- 10 media.peso <- 75; ds.peso <- 15 media.estatura <- 1.70; ds.estatura <- 0.10 edad <-...
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RTextTools: a machine learning library for text classification - Blog 20
RStudio and RTextTools: A Perfect Pairing Latest
The development team has spent the past six months creating the best possible experience for RTextTools users. A few months into development, we heard about a new IDE called RStudio, which has one of the cleanest interfaces to R we’ve seen. It...
1121 sym
Ruben Ochoa 20
Caso 1 Distribución de Frecuencias. Refresco Latest
Objetivo Realizar una interpretación de datos a partir de muestras simuladas mediante una distribución de frecuencias y visualización gráfica de datos cualitativos. Descripcion A través de un proceso que incluye datos, codificación y...
11252 sym R (3786 sym/16 pcs) 2 img
SS_baby_names Latest
This is an R Markdown Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code. Try executing this chunk by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing...
8162 sym R (1415 sym/10 pcs) 4 img
sabir 20
R Strings Latest
A string is a sequence of characters. For example, “Programming” is a string that includes characters: P, r, o, g, r, a, m, m, i, n, g. In R, we represent strings using quotation marks (double quotes, " " or single quotes, ' '). For example, #...
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Salsabila Ramadanti Nuraini, Prof.Dr.Suhartono,M.Kom 20
Apa itu Bahasa Pemrograman R? Latest
Universitas : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Jurusan : Teknik Informatika R merupakan salah satu software gratis yang sangat populer di Indonesia. Kemudahan penggunaan serta banyaknya dukungan komunitas membuat R menjadi salah satu bahasa...
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