
SEM theory Latest


Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) allows you to study structural relationships between variables, including observed and latent variables. Here I’ll be summarising the content of Structural Equation Modelling with Lavaan by Broc and Gana....

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Tony Breyal 20

Code Optimization: One R Problem, Ten Solutions – Now Eleven! Latest


Earlier this year I came across a rather interesting page about optimisation in R from rwiki. The goal was to find the most efficient code to produce strings which follow the pattern below given a single integer input n: # n = 4 [1] "i001.002"...

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Gov 50 20

Gov 50: Assignment Instructions Latest


These instructions will walk you through submitting Problem Sets and Exams. Gov 50 staff have worked very hard to make this process as smooth and convenient as possible for you, but it can confusing the first few times! This document walks through...

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Valerio Calà 20

Stat 101 Latest


Statistics & Probability In questo documento markdown vengono svolti esercizi base di Statistica e Calcolo delle Probabilità. Programma del documento: Distribuzioni di frequenza, indici di posizione, variabilità, forma e concentrazione...

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Vijaya Cherukuri 20

Data606_FinalProject Latest


This text is displayed verbatim / preformatted Defining libraries: library(tidyr) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are...

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Billy Caughey 20

Monday Makeover: Biggest Fast Food Chains in America Latest


Introduction As an R programmer, and statistician, I like to continuously be improving. This requires participating in RPubs, taking online courses, participating in meet up groups, and many other avenues. One which came up recently that I did not...

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Advances in Graphics using R Latest


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Advanced Visualizations ] .subtitle[ ## Advances in Computer Language ] .author[ ### Dr. Zulfiqar Ali (Assistant Professor) ] .institute[ ### College of Statistcal Sciences,...

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Youtube Video Trending Analysis Latest


Youtube Video Trending Analysis Row...

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Caio Gonçalves - 20

Extração de séries do Google Trends Latest


Sobre Google Trends O Google Trends disponibiliza séries temporais que rastreiam o histórico de consulta de palavras em diversos países desde janeiro de 2004. Em alguns casos, as pesquisas podem ser específicas para estados ou províncias e...

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teste aula 1 Latest


primeira aula 22 de agosto de 2023 teste para ver se funciona pelo visto funcionou :) gatinho...

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