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Paolo 22

Interesting tip about multicolor title of a plot Latest


I’d like to suggest to take a look at this interesting post about creating a title with multi-coloured words. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: One R Tip A Day....

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Ana Paulina Celis Murguía 22

Caso 1 Distribuciones de Frecuencias. Refrescos Latest


Objetivo Realizar una interpretación de datos a partir de muestras simuladas mediante una distribución de frecuencias y visualización gráfica de datos cualitativos. Descripción A través de un proceso que incluye datos, codificación y...

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Posts on R Lover ! a programmer 22

Using R to “drive” Excel Latest


I have until recently made it a habit to draw a clear distinction about using R for data analysis and Microsoft Excel for other office productivity tasks. I know there are people who use Excel to process data and even (gasp) to teach statistics...

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Pedro Lizarazo 22

Taller 1. Programación en lenguajes estadisticos Latest


Cargar librerias library(readxl) library(dplyr) library(gdata) 0. Cargar base de datos Grad <- read_excel("graduados_2018_2021.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet1") filas <- nrow(Grad) columnas <- ncol(Grad) nombres <- names(Grad) head(Grad)[,3:7]...

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R on Alan Yeung 22

Glasgow R User Group Latest


I am very excited to hear that there are attempts to create a brand new R user group in Glasgow! I had just talked in Post Number One about my guilt at not having been able to attend EdinbR as often as I wished but it should be much easier for me...

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R on Will Hipson 22

A New Way to Handle Multivariate Outliers Latest


Psychologists often have a standoffish attitude toward outliers. Developmental psychologists, in particular, seem uncomfortable with removing cases because of the challenges inherent in obtaining data in the first place. However, the process of...

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R programming 22

How to Design Quant Trading Strategies Using R? Latest


This blog covers in brief the concept of strategy back-testing using R. Before dwelling into the trading jargons using R let us spend some time understanding what R is. R is an open source. There are more than 4000 add on packages,18000 plus...

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Rachael Milliken 22

BestPractice1 Latest


Chapter 1 It’s Not Just about Forecasting The following are the key points in the chapter. Elaborate on each point in at least 30 words. Understanding economics can help you to diagnose the causes of increases or decreases in sales volumes and...

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Rafael Garcia 22

1_AIUC1 Latest


PRIMER TAREA DE PROBABILIDAD Y ESTADISTICA: TABLAS, HISTOGRAMAS Y POLIGONOS DE DISTRIBUCIONES DE FRECUENCIA CON OTRO CLIMA :D Importar datos Este ejercicio usa datos de las normales climatologicas del periodo de 1951 a 2010 de banamichi Sonora,...

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