
08_43.01.104.065_Mai Huy_Tuan01_Thực hành code slide Latest


Tên: Mai Huy MSSV: Số thứ tự: 08 1) Các hàm cơ bản # Tạo Vector x x <- c(1,6,2) x [1] 1 6 2 # Tạo Vector y y <- c(1,4,3) y [1] 1 4 3 # Độ dài vector x length(x) [1] 3 # Độ dài vector y length(y) [1]...

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Levi Salazar Jimenez 22

caso1 Latest


title: “Caso 1. Análisis de s de alumnos” author: “Rubén Pizarro Gurrola” date: “8/9/2021” output: html_document — Objetivo Elaborar un análisis descriptivo de la variable promedios de alumnos una muestra de la población a...

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Luis alberto castillo 22

Tarea 2 CE Latest


set.seed(2020) PCP<-runif(30,0,300) dias<-seq(1,30,1) plot(dias,PCP,type="l") abline(h=mean(PCP),col="red") x = dias y= sin(x)+ 30 plot(x,y, type="l") abline(h=mean(y)) acf(y) #Función de autocorrelación...

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CUNY 607 Wk 4 - R String Manipulation Latest


Overview: Data 607 Week 4 Assignment covers R Character Manipulation 1) Identify Data and Statistics Majors #Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset...

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Edwin Isaac Serrano Torres 22

Caso 1 Latest


Objetivo: Desarrolla tabla de frecuencia gráficos para identificar alumnos inscritos Paso 1: Cargar librerías library(fdth) ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## sd, var...

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Kory Horn” 22

Best Practices 1 Latest


Chapter 1 It’s Not Just about Forecasting The following are the key points in the chapter. Elaborate on each point in at least 30 words. Understanding economics can help you to diagnose the causes of increases or decreases in sales volumes...

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khanna7 22

P2M: Population initialization Latest


# Assign categories as per race/ethnicity, age group and gender identity ## N.B. See Excel sheet "agent population updated" at: ## /cche-lab/data/p2m_parameters_chicago/population_estimates/anna_population_estimation/output/Population...

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Caso1 Latest


Paso 1 Hay que cargar las librerias que se necesiten library(readr) library(fdth) ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## sd, var Cargar datos del cvs....

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U1A1 Latest


#Primer ejercicio de estadistica aplicada #U1A1 #28 de Agosto del 2020 #Jaime Corral # #En este ejercicio se tiene como objetivo que el estudiante se #familiarice con el entorno de Rstudio y el lenguaje R #vamos a usar los datos de mpg...

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Jaime Isaac Peña Mejía 22

analisis de cluster jerarquico y kmeans Latest


Cluster jerárquico. El dataset task9data2.txt que se ha utilizado se puede descargar de task9data2.txt. clust <- read.table("task9data2.txt", quote="\"", comment.char="") clust # Nombres de las columnas y de filas cnames <-...

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