
Muhamad Johar Arifin 22

Document Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document...

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Nischal Bondalapati 22

ANLY 512 Assignment 1 Latest


Directions During ANLY 512 we will be studying the theory and practice of data visualization. We will be using R and the packages within R to assemble data and construct many different types of visualizations. We begin by studying some of the...

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DATA 333: Thinking About Data Latest


Key Points Covid-19 Testing is not equally accessible across the nation, with factors such as neighborhood/zip code, race, and income all impact how easily someone can get tested. In many cities across the country, testing sites serving...

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Naimul Islam 22

Rmarkdown - basic 3 part Latest


R markdown A tool within RStudio that allows to - write documents, - presentations, or - webpages that combine written text with analytical code. Use R Markdown: -Documents with embedded code are reproducible -Pass on your code to readers in...

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Nagdev Amruthnath 22

Using Cassandra Through R Latest


In the last couple of years, there has been a lot of buzz around open source community. Almost every day, there are a lot of tools being open sourced. With a ton of open source tools in the market, don’t expect to have drivers built for every...

1966 sym R (623 sym/1 pcs)

The Long-run Effects of Lockdowns in Ceará Economy Through Productivity: An Recursive CGE Approach Latest


1 Prelude The simulated scenarios have base on different rates of growth of the populations: Rates of Growth of the Population to Counterfactual and Lockdown Scenarios Counterfactual Lockdown \(pop_{F^1}\) -0.04342 0.04539 \(pop_{F^2}\)...

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Henrik Bengtsson 22

Set package repositories at startup Latest


The below code shows how to configure the ‘repos’ option in R such that install.packages() etc will locate the packages without having to explicitly specify the repository.  Just add it to the .Rprofile file in your home...

696 sym R (527 sym/1 pcs)

Mauricio Rodriguez Abreu 22

Lifecontingencies Latest


R Markdown Usando R Markdown se pueden compartir mejor los resultados de R. Todo lo que se incluya en los recuadros corresponde a lineas de codigo. Recuerda que el primer paso consiste en cargar el paquete que usaremos: library(lifecontingencies)...

4279 sym R (2576 sym/37 pcs)

Financial Mathematics 1 - Homework 1 Latest


Financial Mathematics 1 - Homework 1 1 Group Members 2 Slide Problems 2.1 Problem 1 (Slide 16) 2.2 Problem 2 (Slide 20) 2.3 Problem 3 (Slide 21) 2.4 Problem 4 (Slide 22) 2.5 Problem 5 (Slide 30) 2.6 Problem 6 (Slide 32) 3 Book Problems 3.1...

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Michael Ippolito 22

CUNY-DATA607-Assignment1 Latest


Overview In their article, Why Americans Don’t Vote, Thomson-Deveaux et al. (2020) explored the reasons why a large number of eligible voters (35 to 60 percent) don’t vote in US elections and at the voting habits of voters broken out by...

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