
Duong Tran 23

Clinincal Graphs with ggplot2 Latest


Introduction Hi I am Duong, a SAS programmer with many years of experience in the Pharmaceutical industry and I have been teaching myself R in the past year. I have produced some graphs with the ggplot2 package and now would like to share them...

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A Thorpe 23

CV19 Ageism (Soft launch) Latest


I have noticed two potential issues from the soft launch: 1. The quotas don’t appear to be filling out quite evenly. This may just be due to the nature of the soft launch having few people. 2. The responses for some items are not coded...

3263 sym R (20141 sym/43 pcs)

Daniel Moscoe 23

DATA605 HW1 Latest


Create first initial, D: Dx = c(rep(0, 1000), seq(0, 1, length.out = 500), seq(1, 1.5, length.out = 350), rep(1.5, 500), seq(1.5, 1, length.out = 350), seq(1, 0, length.out = 500)) Dy = c(seq(-1, 1, length.out = 1000), rep(1, 500), seq(1, 0.5,...

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Resource List Latest


Our Services About Us ABOUT US The OCRIO at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) are proud to provide informatics expertise and capabilities to support translational and clinical researchers from multiple disciplines and other health...

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Daniel Haug, Prairie Rivers of Iowa 23

Exploratory Data Analysis of the South Skunk River Latest


Introduction The South Skunk River at 16th St, a little upstream of the monitoring site The Iowa DNR has been collecting monthly water quality samples from the South Skunk River since 1998, from a site near the Ames Wastewater Treatment Plant....

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Devan Allen McGranahan 23

2017-16 CGREC livestock performance Latest


Take-home points Cows on patch-burned pastures consistently put on weight, usually the most of other management. No difference among PBG approaches (Spring-burn only vs. Spring + Summer burns) Evidence of annual variability in cattle performance...

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berna 23

Tablas, histogramas y poligonos de distribucion de frecuencias Latest


#U1A2 #31/Agosto/2020 #Bernardo valenzuela #2do ejercicio de estadística aplicada #Tablas de frecuencia e histogramas #wd setwd("~/Estadistica Aplicada 10-11") #paquetes library(fdth) ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following...

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Jason Shaw 23

Riddle 199 Lottery Latest


World Series Home Team Losing Streaks According to the Riddler, “the home team actually wins about 54 percent of the time in baseball.” Using this, and assuming independent games, we can calculate that the probability of the home team losing 7...

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Oscar Enrique 23

Caso 1 Latest


Objetivo Cargar Librerias library(fdth) ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## sd, var library(readr) Cargar los datos datos.alumnos <-...

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Orlando Angel Duarte Cortez 23

Caso1. Poblacion y Muestra Latest


1 Objetivo Simular datos de una población y de una muestra describiendo la media poblacional y la media muestral para su adecuada interpretación. 2 Descripción Generar una población de 1000 números con valores entre 250 y 600 Determinar una...

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