Publications by DAM
Spring vs summer Rx fire
In a nutshell Background From 2017-2020, a project was conducted to restore spatially-patchy Rx fire in Central ND Two burning regimes: 4 x 40-acre, full-patch burns each spring 4 x 20-acre, half-patch burns, first half in spring, second half in summer Mixed success in restoring fire: All spring burns were completed in each year Summer bur...
3327 sym 3 img
ND Rx fire perceptions
Synthesis and potential recommentations Despite not relying on scientific products themselves, respondents do expect administrators of grazinglands to use the best available science Respondents generally trust agencies and NGOs, but not necessarily with fire Respondents believe their community sees little value in Rx fire and do not want its u...
25757 sym Python (12913 sym/5 pcs) 5 img
A. tridentata plot progress
Work progress Focal plants read_xlsx('./A_tridentata/Data/TridentataMasterData.xlsx', 'FocalSagebrush') %>% group_by(plot) %>% summarise(Count = n() ) %>% pander("Seems all 25 plots have had data for 20 focal plants collected.") Seems all 25 plots have had data for 20 focal plants collected. plot Count 801 20 802 20 803 ...
2627 sym Python (1130 sym/3 pcs) 3 tbl
Preliminary wildfire-grazing data from Fort Keogh
Overview Wildfire affects a substantial amount of public and private grazingland in the Northwest Great Plains. Managers often delay or totally defer grazing after a wildfire for up to two seasons. As more allotments are affected, unburned rangeland will increasingly need to absorb additional stocking pressure as managers work to find alternat...
5150 sym 8 img
CV examples from literature
The Coefficient of Variation (CV) is likely most—and potentially only—useful when mean values are consistent among groups. When means vary among groups, CV necessarily declines as means increase. This is an arithmetic process and its relationship to ecological processes is questionable at best. Ecologists often seek to explain how variabili...
5127 sym 6 img
Wildfire and the rural built environment
The skinny Invited paper for Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B themed issue Novel fire regimes under climate changes and human influences: impacts, ecosystem responses and feedbacks The pitch The following mini-Abstract included in the original themed issue proposal and accepted by guest editors: Two global change processes that cr...
3802 sym 9 img
Hopperz, fire, and forage
Standing crop removal Standing crop was statistically-significantly lower outside of grasshopper exclosures in both fall and spring burns (\(t =\) -7.4, \(P\) < 0.001 and \(t =\) -5.8, \(P\) < 0.01, respectively). There was no difference in offtake among spring and fall burns (\(P\) > 0.05), with grasshoppers removing approximately 1.0 (± 0.2)...
2136 sym 3 img 2 tbl
Fire and defoliation interactions
Plot-level data Standing crop Total biomass accummulated over the 8 weeks post-clipping. Soil Plant-available N Soil moisture Soil moisture content as VWC. Soil microbes PLFA analysis coming… soon?? Focal plant data Productivity Standing crop per clipping event Stem:Leaf ratio Cumulative seasonal productivity Photosynthesis...
384 sym 10 img
Wildfire in the Western Great Plains
The Western Great Plains Geography The Western Great Plains Land Resource Region and EPA Level 3 Ecoregions, within the broader US Great Plains (inset). Environment Proportion of rangeland cover by US Census tract from Reeves USFS range extent raster product. Mean annual rainfall by US Census tract from monthly historical data, 1980-202...
3446 sym 21 img 10 tbl
Summary of Starbuck Fire
Location of state-owned land within the Starbuck Fire perimeter. No federal land listed. Land cover within the Starbuck Fire perimeter is mostly rangeland with sizeable areas of agricultural land. Severity data Categorical MTBS severity classifications The categories here are specified by MTBS using cutoff values standard across the US. ...
2728 sym 8 img