Publications by DAM

2017-16 CGREC livestock performance


Take-home points Cows on patch-burned pastures consistently put on weight, usually the most of other management. No difference among PBG approaches (Spring-burn only vs. Spring + Summer burns) Evidence of annual variability in cattle performance on continuously-grazed rangeland without fire continues to accumulate Animals on twice-over rotation...

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Thermocouple datalogger systems comparison


Drying oven Calculated mean (+/= se) for 5, 30-min averages of logged temperature data of 4 drying oven settings for both Cambpell Scientific CR1000 and ArduinoMEGA systems. Different colors represent 8 thermocouples. Bunsen burner Five different graphs following ArduinoMEGA and CR1000 temperature readings over 8 thermocouples when exposed to ...

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A DIY thermocouple datalogger is suitably comparable to a commercial system for wildland fire research


Introduction Thermocouple probes are a standard piece of fire science technology. Thermocouples function on the Seebeck effect: the thermoelectric signals created along temperature gradients in a wire. Thermocouples place wires of two different metal types into contact, and differences in each materials’ rate of change in thermoelectric signals...

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Grassland burn severity vs. fuel load


Burn severity and fuel load in four Heartland Region NPS units Devan Allen McGranahan Version date: 11 June 2020 Take-aways Burn severity in vegetation increases with fuel load. There is no statistically-signficant relationship between substrate severity and fuel load. Other explanatory variables might include: Fire weather (RH, wind speed) F...

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TRansect points


geoidheight:120: N +−⇧qgis2webMap tiles by Stamen Design, CC BY 3.0 — Map data © OpenStreetMapi ...

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TRansect points


geoidheight:120: N +−⇧qgis2webMap tiles by Stamen Design, CC BY 3.0 — Map data © OpenStreetMapi ...

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An inconvenient truth about time-temperature data from thermocouples


Introduction Plant ecologists have long been interested in the effects of fire on the composition and structure of vegetation (e.g., Clements 1936). Thermocouples have been used to observe flame temperature in agrisin the field, during a fireas an in situ measure of fire behaviour since at least the 1940s (Fons 1946; Vaartaja 1949). However, ecol...

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Dayton tract heating and soil responses


Background Sampling to investigate rangeland soil responses to management at NDSU’s Hettinger Research Extension Center (HREC) has, to date, only been initiated once the grazing season has begun, which is often weeks if not months after prescribed fire. But it has been well-documented elsewhere that important plant-available species of nitrogen...

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Rx fire behavior in ND grasslands


Methods Regression analysis Figures generated by the script below and included in this document are available on GitHub, as well. For analysis, data are filtered to \(\textsf{Rate of spread < 40 m/s}\) and \(\textsf{Maximum temperature > 40}^\circ \textsf{C}\). Imputation of missing values We used the multiple imputation method in the mice pack...

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Weather anomalies in NGP wildfires


Main take-aways In a preliminary anaylsis of 20 wildfires in the Northern Great Plains, several weather variables showed substantial departures (anomalies) from the historical range of these values (normal) for the week in which the fires occurred: Vapor Pressure Deficit averaged 2.4 standard deviations above normal Potential Evapotranspiration ...

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