Publications by Daniel Haug, Prairie Rivers of Iowa

E. coli data from Story County, 2020-2023


The map shows sites that the City of Ames, Story County, and Prairie Rivers of Iowa monitored for E. coli bacteria from 2020-2023. The map is color coded to show which sites meet primary and secondary recreation standards. Which standard is relevant to you depends on water levels, whether you have small children, and whether you plan on gettin...

1597 sym

Spring snapshot 2024


Testing of multiple sites on the same day can provide a “snapshot” of water quality across a watershed, county, or state. The spring 2024 snapshot happened to fall on a day when rivers were especially high and muddy. Participation Four groups in Iowa participated in a water quality snapshot event, held on Tuesday, May 21. Polk County Cons...

3304 sym R (4052 sym/2 pcs) 5 img

Story County stream monitoring 2024


Introduction Prairie Rivers of Iowa and its partners are in their fifth year of a water monitoring project in Story County. Updated through March. During an abnormally warm and dry March, much of the flow in Ballard Creek was from the Huxley Wastewater Treatment Plant. Total phosphorus (0.7 mg/L) and nitrate (9 mg/L) were high, but E. coli has ...

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Paddling While Impaired


This is a prototype for an interactive map that would inform recreational users about the water quality at both swimming beaches and rivers in Iowa. Like the state’s 2024 Integrated Report, it uses data from the 2020-2022 recreational seasons to evaluate which lakes and rivers meet recreational standards. However, the purpose is to educate t...

2313 sym

e coli geomeans in Iowa


This is a prototype for an interactive map that would inform recreational users about the water quality at both swimming beaches and rivers in Iowa. Like the state’s integrated report, it uses data from the 2020-2022 recreational seasons to evaluate which lakes and rivers meet recreational standard. However, the purpose is to educate the pub...

4715 sym R (7188 sym/8 pcs)

E. coli in lakes and rivers in IA, MN, and WI


This is a first pass at summarizing E. coli data from lakes and rivers across a three-state area, in order to provide some context for recreational impairments in the upper Midwest. Database: EPA Water Quality Portal States: Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Organizations: This dataset includes state, federal and tribal agencies within this area Ti...

1138 sym R (962 sym/3 pcs)

E coli in rivers in IA, MN, and WI


This is a first pass at summarizing E. coli data from streams across a three-state area, in order to provide some context for recreational impairments in the upper Midwest. Database: EPA Water Quality Portal States: Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Organizations: This dataset includes state, federal and tribal agencies within this area Sites: Stre...

1405 sym R (666 sym/2 pcs)

test run


The Iowater program started a tradition of watershed “snapshot” events, where volunteers test many streams in a watershed on the same day to get an idea of where pollution is more or less severe. Several organizations are continuing the tradition and are coordinating our efforts to get a snapshot of water quality across a larger portion of ...

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Spring snapshot 2023 results


Work in progress. Polk County results from spring snapshot. May 23, 2023 Map library(leaflet) color_phosphate <- colorBin(c('green','yellow', 'red'), bins = c(0,0.5,2,10)) color_trans <- colorBin(c('red', 'yellow', 'green'), bins = c(0,15.5,35,65)) color_do <- colorBin(c('red', 'yellow', 'green', 'yellow'), bins = c(0,50,70,120,200)) color_ch...

333 sym R (3262 sym/2 pcs)

Fall Snapshot 2023


The Iowater program started a tradition of watershed “snapshot” events, where volunteers test many streams in a watershed on the same day to get an idea of where pollution is more or less severe. Several organizations are continuing the tradition and are coordinating our efforts to get a snapshot of water quality across a larger portion of ...

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