Publications by Daniel Haug, Prairie Rivers of Iowa
The Water Quality Portal provides access to water quality data from multiple agencies. However, the most recent data may not be available. Locations Lakes library(leaflet) mypalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "viridis", domain = WQP_available_lakes$activityCount, na.color = "transparent") leaflet(WQP_available_lakes) %>% addProviderTiles("St...
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Story County stream monitoring 2021
Introduction The 2021 monitoring season has wrapped up. While streams were often dry, we did attempt to monitor every month in 2021. Updated to include Jan-Dec data. South Skunk River at Story City # 2021-04-13 Started over with 2021 data # Import csv file provided by City of Ames # Skip unneeded columns for tidy format library(tidyverse) l...
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A long tradition of citizen science
Introduction The Ioway Creek (formerly Squaw Creek) watershed has a long tradition of citizen science by a volunteer Watershed Coalition. Formerly, the Department of Natural Resources supplied kits and training. After the IoWATER program was ended, Prairie Rivers of Iowa started ordering supplies and organizing the events. The change also brought...
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Seasonal patterns in the South Skunk River
Introduction To better intrepret the data collected by volunteers in our water quality snapshots, we’ll look at seasonal patterns in a high frequency, long-term dataset. The Ames Water and Pollution Control Department has been monitoring water quality at three locations on the South Skunk River, above and below the wastewater treatment plant, o...
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A long tradition of citizen science
Updated 2021-10-28 to include fall snapshots and better site descriptions Introduction The Ioway Creek (formerly Squaw Creek) watershed has a long tradition of citizen science by a volunteer Watershed Coalition. Formerly, the Department of Natural Resources supplied kits and training. After the IOWATER program was ended, Prairie Rivers of Iowa s...
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Story County stream monitoring 2022
Introduction Prairie Rivers of Iowa and its partners continue to monitor streams around Story County for a third year. Updated to include Feb-April data. More water in the creek and some green grass in West Indian Creek when we did our testing in April. Ice was starting to break up on West Indian Creek when we did our testing in March. # 2022-...
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