
Francisca Inostroza y Jesús Sepúlveda 6

Actividad para décimas Latest


Pregunta 1 Limpie el environment para comenzar a trabajar. rm(list=ls()) Pregunta 2 Cargue los paquetes necesarios para trabajar con DT. library(data.table) Pregunta 3 Abra la base de datos Resultados Electorales Pista: Para los archivos .RDS...

2255 sym R (3620 sym/18 pcs)

Sebastian Franco Jimenez 6

Capítulo1 CRAN Latest


Paquete DPLYR Comandos de filtrado. Filtro de única condición. Como primera medida se usarán los datos LifecycleSavings que guarda los ahorros personales tomados de los ingresos disponibles en la decada de 1960-1970 de 50 paises. las...

11959 sym R (40579 sym/229 pcs)

Frank Davenport 6

Plotting forecast() objects in ggplot part 1: Extracting the Data Latest


Lately I’ve been using Rob J Hyndman‘s excellent forecast package. The package comes with some built in plotting functions but I found I wanted to customize and make my own plots in ggplot. In order to do that, I need a generalizable function...

1351 sym R (984 sym/1 pcs)

Luiz 6

Storm consequences study in health and economy in the US Latest


Synopsis This study analyze the main consequences in the health and economy due Storm`s in the US communities. This study is based on storm database of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA). Data Processing Start loading...

1870 sym R (3883 sym/13 pcs) 3 img

Map Porscav Latest



6 sym

From Guinness to GARCH 6

Measuring the Intensity of Historical Crises with VaR Latest


Adam Duncan, December 2012Also avilable on Prelude These posts are written with dual purpose: 1) Hopefully provide some insight or inspiration into a topical issue in finance from a practioners perspective, and 2) show how to use R...

7068 sym R (7406 sym/15 pcs) 12 img

Phenology by species and growth forms Latest


library(coin) ## Warning: package 'coin' was built under R version 4.0.5 ## Loading required package: survival library(readr) ## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.0.3 library(knitr) library(kableExtra) ## Warning: package...

67 sym R (13305 sym/10 pcs) 5 tbl

CRS-4 AS Latest


Introduction This is a simple and short example of an exploratory data analysis: A case study that relies on tracking and counting an individual’s movements (steps) through a smartwach device ( Fitbit ) . The data is then collected and explored...

2850 sym R (2825 sym/25 pcs) 4 img

Gabriela Hernández Gómez 6

Frecuencia de participantes Latest


Generar frecuencias Cargar librerias library(readr) Cargar datos datos <- read.csv("", encoding = "ISO-1851") datos ##...

121 sym R (1531 sym/6 pcs) 1 img

Gabriela Valles Delgado 6

Práctica 1 Latest


Primero… R es diferente a otros lenguajes de programación que por lo general están diseñados para realizar muchas tareas diferentes; esto es porque fue creado con el único propósito de hacer estadística. Así que no pensemos como...

1393 sym