
Data Analysis - Crimes in Boston Latest


Date: 10/04/2020 Carregando Pacotes library("dplyr", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.6") library("ggplot2", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.6") library("RgoogleMaps", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.6") library("raster", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.6") Upload...

567 sym R (16154 sym/25 pcs) 9 img

Exploração do clima em João Pessoa, Campina Grande e Patos - PB Latest


Descrição: A análise abaixo leva em consideração as perguntas 1, 2, e 4 do doc de instruções. Análise dos Dados library(tidyverse) library(here) library(dplyr) theme_set(theme_bw()) # SEMPRE read_csv NUNCA read.csv clima_tudo = read_csv(...

5704 sym R (6044 sym/23 pcs) 9 img

Damian Strzelec 6

US Storm Data Analysis - Population Health and Economic Consequences Latest


Synopsis Analysis refers to Storm Data overview from an official publication of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including when and...

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Damian Czyszczoń 6

Raport Latest


Raport Dane wektorowe - jest to jeden z rodzajów danych przestrzennych (obok danych rastrowych). Zaliczamy do nich punkty, linie oraz poligony. Cel ćwiczenia Celem ćwiczenia jest poznanie funkcji do wczytywania i analiz na danych wektorowych z...

2825 sym R (1369 sym/12 pcs) 2 img

Dan Thompson 6

deployrExternal() Nightmare Latest


As part of Microsoft’s acquisition of Revolution Analytics, Microsoft have turbo-boosted their newly acquired package DeployR. DeployR is a cool way for data scientists to throw their scripts into a repository, which after validation,...

3023 sym

Daniel Dychala 6

Predicting DY Stock Price with Regression Techniques Latest


rm(list=ls()) library(forecast) ## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod': ## method from ## zoo library(ggplot2) #Load data dy.stock <- read.csv('DY.csv') #Select adjusted price as time series...

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Arvind Sharma 6

test Latest


1 Official R Markdown Guide The link above is what you should explore to understand R Markdown. Can replace ‘html_document’ with ‘pdf_document’ in the .Rmd (Rmarkdown) file above manually to generate the output in your preferred format....

3848 sym 1 img

Dan Rosenfeld 6

Historical Presidential Election Polls Latest


I wanted to take a look at historical presidential election poll data from Fivethirtyeight. Clearly, there are many considerations to take into account when analyzing polls,...

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ejemplo Latest


___Plantilla para los trabajos___ __Utiliza este documento para presentar las prácticas de una manera sencilla y bonita__. title: "Escribe tu titulo" author: "Escribe vuestros nombres" date: "Escribe la fecha" output: htmldocument: toc: yes...

2916 sym

DanielEguiluz 6

Ejercicio1 Daniel Eguiluz Latest


librerias library("ggplot2") Desafio 1 Aca realize 10 funciones cualquiera a <- 3 b <- 4 var1 = a**b var1 ## [1] 81 var2 = a + b var2 ## [1] 7 var3 = b - a var3 ## [1] 1 var4 = log(a) var4 ## [1] 1.098612 var5 = log(b) var5 ## [1]...

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