Publications by Dan Thompson

deployrExternal() Nightmare


As part of Microsoft’s acquisition of Revolution Analytics, Microsoft have turbo-boosted their newly acquired package DeployR. DeployR is a cool way for data scientists to throw their scripts into a repository, which after validation, are exposed via the DeployR API to an application developer to consume. Further information about De...

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Because k-Means Kluster!


A few months ago we started our new company, Kluster, with the name being a tip of the hat to cluster analysis. The immediate question is often: “why do you spell kluster with a k?” My novelty answer: “because k-means clustering!” In honour of this, I thought I would do a short answer to the question “what is clustering?�...

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Compare Dates With RForcecom


Have you used RForcecom to connect R to Salesforce? It’s really cool, and thanks to it using Bulk API, it’s absolutely rapid. Anyway, I recently came across a problem when trying to query records which had been edited based on the timestamp. I wanted to do something like this: time_now<-Sys.time() q <- paste0("select Id from opportunity where...

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Compare Dates With RForcecom


Have you used RForcecom to connect R to Salesforce? It’s really cool, and thanks to it using Bulk API, it’s absolutely rapid. Anyway, I recently came across a problem when trying to query records which had been edited based on the timestamp. I wanted to do something like this: time_now “,time_now) updated_ids “,time_now) upda...

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Dan Thompson 2017-01-29 11:29:11


Summary In this blog post I will show you how to make your own personal assistant (think Siri, Cortana, Alexa) in R, very quickly. This will be done in three steps: Get R to recognise your voice and convert it to text Set up a system which uses text from… Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on the...

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Create Your Own Siri, Cortana or Alexa: Part 1


Summary In this blog post I will show you how to make your own personal assistant (think Siri, Cortana, Alexa) in R, very quickly. This will be done in three steps: Get R to recognise your voice and convert it to text Set up a system which uses text from (1) as a query to Google or pre-defined functions Return the action or answer to the app S...

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