
Data Science notes 6

Locality Sensitive Hashing in R Latest


Introduction In the next series of posts I will try to explain base concepts Locality Sensitive Hashing technique. Note, that I will try to follow general functional programming style. So I will use R’s Higher-Order Functions instead of...

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Data Science in Foco 6

Regressao_Tidymodels_Recipes_Workflow Latest


library(tidymodels) library(tidyverse) library(themis) Dados df <- read.csv("C:\\Data Science\\CSV\\module_5_auto.csv", stringsAsFactors = T) %>% select(-horsepower.binned) rmarkdown::paged_table(head(df)) Separação conjunto treino e...

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datadebrief 6

EmEditor Professional as an R script editor Latest


R is not supported “out of the box” by EmEditor, so here’s a few tips I’ve found for using it as a great editor for R.Code Syntax highlighting Executing R scripts and capturing outputUse ctags symbols to navigate files.If you...

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datamindjo 6

Survey on R and education Latest


Main takeaways from the survey on R in education There is a need to train students in R since large majority of respondents (using R professionally) expect its market share to further increase. Large interest from both academics and students in...

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Christina Bukart 6

Search for NYC Accomodations Latest


The Packages Package Summary tidyverse The tidyverse collection of packages Skimr To review data summary in order to clean data The Data The database chosen is AirBnB 2019 rentals in NYC. There is a wide variety of information in the set....

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Presentation 1 Latest


10/05/2021 Intro to “Nina” “Nina” has been documented in SSA data since 1880 Globally, it has experienced its most notable popularity in Slavic and European countries Popularity of “Nina”: Graph by Count Popularity of “Nina”:...

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David Hodge 6

simplevis – simple methods to adjust titles and scales Latest


library(simplevis) library(dplyr) library(palmerpenguins) Overview simplevis provides gglot2 (and leaflet) wrapper functions with an objective to help users make beautiful visualisation with less brainpower and typing. In the first simplevis blog...

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covid_stress Latest


How important is stress in a fight against COVID-19? Causes of Deaths Three of the world’s top causes of deaths are cardiovascular disease, dementia, and diabetes. Their top risk factors are high blood pressure, low physical activity,...

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Gerardo David Ramos Balderas 6

Document Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

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David Chandia Lopez 6

Document Latest


Anteproyecto Resumen La visualización de datos es la representación gráfica de información y datos. Al utilizar elementos visuales como cuadros, gráficos y mapas, las herramientas de visualización de datos proporcionan una manera accesible...

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