asirraja foundation Latest
ASIRRAJA FOUNDATION RIOHACHA - GUAJIRA COLOMBIA WAYUU INDIGENOUS Coordinates 11°33′N 72°54′O Wayuu indigenous people Review of the Wayuu photos of foundation...
173 sym 3 img
Abdalrahman Algendi 6
Assignment 1 Latest
Exercise 1 Question A #Read the file into a data frame CarData <- read.csv ("C:/Users/Abdalrahman Algendi/Desktop/Applied Statistics/Chapters/Mandatory-1/Data/el_car_data_1.csv") #Check the first 10 rows of dat head (CarData,10) ## year...
1575 sym R (9021 sym/49 pcs) 7 img
Alicia Lima 6
Aula 3 Atividade Latest
Atividade 3 - Relatório da base de dados de Game of Thrones load("C:/Users/louiz/Downloads/Base_de_dados-master/Game of Thrones.RData") Nessa análise procuro descobrir se o autor apresenta mais homens ou mulheres na história apresentada nos 5...
740 sym R (1191 sym/16 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl
Atividade FPCC2 - L1P1 Latest
João Pessoa, Campina Grande e Patos pertencem a regiões distintas da Paraíba sendo elas: Mata Paraibana, Agreste Paraibano e Sertão Paraibano, respectivamente. Por esta razão, as cidades estudadas são um bom exemplo para investigar a...
3077 sym R (1454 sym/7 pcs) 2 img
Alka Yadav 6
Reproducible Research Latest
setwd(“C:/Users/Alka/Documents/R/datasciencecoursera/Reproducible Research”) Instructions 1.Code for reading in the dataset and/or processing the data 2.Histogram of the total number of steps taken each day 3.Mean and median number of steps...
2645 sym R (8585 sym/65 pcs) 8 img
Homework 4 Crime Analysis Latest
Problem definition Predictive policing is a multi-dimensional optimization problem where law enforcement agencies try to efficiently utilize a scarce resource to minimize instances of crime overtime and across geographies. But how do we optimize?...
28227 sym R (27714 sym/69 pcs) 13 img
Allison Feeney 6
Week 4: DS Article Latest
Date that article was published: September 12, 2019 Article Summary Currently there is so much data being collected that is applicable to climate change– not only daily weather, but also air pollution, hospitalizations, healthcare costs, and...
1553 sym 3 img
Alejandro Perez 6
Data Mining Assignment 2 Latest
R Markdown ###2 The KNN classifyer is considered a method that is used to solve prolbems with a qualitative response. This method compares training data with the test observation variant(X0). Similar data points are then estimated for conditional...
1404 sym R (49874 sym/40 pcs) 3 img
A. Rodríguez 6
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width = 15, fig.height = 7) Synopsis Storms and other violent weather phenomena have been always a real concern for societies, as they cause many human deaths and injuries, as well as economic damages. For...
3440 sym R (5831 sym/36 pcs) 3 img