Publications by Allison Feeney



OVERVIEW Goal: Track national and regional support of data science in the united states by looking at periodicals from around the country in a effort to track the relative positive or negative sentiment and word frequencies. What patterns do you see, why do you believe this to be the case? What additional information might you want? Be as specifi...

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Week 4: DS Article


Date that article was published: September 12, 2019 Article Summary Currently there is so much data being collected that is applicable to climate change– not only daily weather, but also air pollution, hospitalizations, healthcare costs, and satellite information. For example Francesca Dominici is using data science is study how air pollution ...

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DS3001: kNN Lab


Overview: Methodology: Use k nearest neighbor to determine if something is a commercial or not in order to make future commercials more like tv shows to increase marketability. Steps: 1. Read and Clean Data from CNN commercial dataset 2. Determine split between commercials and non-commercials in data set 64% are commercials 3. Remove redundan...

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Potential NBA Players to Poach using K-means Clustering


Overview: The goal of this assignment was to find high performing, underpaid NBA players to poach using k-means clustering. Methodology: 1. Find statistics to cluster: Calculated the correlation of relevant statistics with player salary. This indicated what statistics were a were a good indicator of salary. The two statistics with the highest c...

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Week 5: Corruption Graph


Lab 5 Allison Feeney Row Economic Plot Row Economics Datatable Iris Plot ...

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Decision Tree


Congrats! You just graduated from medical school and got a PhD in Data Science at the same time, wow impressive. Because of these incredible accomplishments the world now believes you will be able to cure cancer…no pressure. To start you figured you better create some way to detect cancer when present. Luckily because you are now a MD and DS Ph...

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ML Evaluation


Question How well can KNN modeling predict if a person has diabetes or heart disease based off of their medical statistics? ROCR Curve for Diabetes Model ## [1] -6.577989 ## [1] 0.8349515 ROCR Curve for Heart Disease Model ## [1] -5.215195 ## [1] 0.4761905 Model Evaluation Metrics Baseline Diabetes Heart Disease Number of Neighbors 3...

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