Publications by A. Rodríguez

Storms and other severe weather events: an approach to their consequences in human and economic terms


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width = 15, fig.height = 7) Synopsis Storms and other violent weather phenomena have been always a real concern for societies, as they cause many human deaths and injuries, as well as economic damages. For this project, we have explored a dataset from U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s...

3440 sym R (5831 sym/36 pcs) 3 img

Reproducible Pitch Presentation


13/12/2020 Previous projects featuring the dataset Statistical Inference Week 4 Assignment (Part 2) Can be checked here: Tooth growth analysis. Developing Data Products Week 4 Assignment (Shiny Application) Link to github repository: CourseApp. Dataset Details The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs Description: The response ...

1231 sym R (755 sym/3 pcs)

R Markdown and Plotly


4/12/2020 Introduction For this project we’ll use some of the plotting shown on the Reproducible Research course first assignment (which you can see here In this project the plot shown will the one comparing activity patterns (nº of steps per day type and 5 minute interval) between weekday...

505 sym R (1146 sym/4 pcs)

R Markdown and Leaflet


##Introduction This is the assignment corresponding to JHU’s “Developing Data Products” course, as part of the programme “Data Science Specialization”, delivered through Coursera. This is the Week 2 project. ##Map creation The first thing would be to add blank map, where we will be adding the our location and the associated features. li...

835 sym R (793 sym/3 pcs)

Capstone Project: Week 2 Milestone Report


Introduction The goal of this project is to display what I learnt on this program and te steps to create my prediction algorithm. This report explains exploratory analysis and goals for the eventual app and algorithm. What is shown in this project is: 1. Demonstrate I downloaded data and have successfully loaded it in. 2. Create a basic report of...

2280 sym R (5825 sym/23 pcs) 4 img

Capstone Project: Slide Deck Presentation.


Coursera: Data Science Capstone Project (Final Presentation)A. RodriguezFebruary 5th, 2021 Introduction The purpose of this project was to develop an application, in order to predict the next word after having entered a word or phrase (using an electronic device). The main demanded features of the app would be: Light, so it can be ran in any ...

1884 sym