Orlova_seminar Latest
Робер Брессон и его работаы Автор Анастасия Орлова Дата публикации 2024-10-19 Аннотация Робер Брессон известен своим аскетичным...
2588 sym 4 img
Scale Correction of Core Permeability by using Simple Linear Regression Latest
Scale Correction of Core Permeability by using Simple Linear Regression “Mohammed Redah Majid Mohammed” “Basra University For Oil and Gas” “2024-10-20” Why we need to do Scale Correction of Core Permeability ? Scale Correction is...
1170 sym Python (6608 sym/16 pcs) 5 img
Problem Set 2 Latest
Table of contents Load Data cleaning up a bit filter out excluded rows Get rid of unnecessary columns Converting to long form Splitting columns Groups, Summaries, and Results Performance Hypothesis Rating Hypothesis Performance Hypothesis...
11829 sym Python (73223 sym/51 pcs) 2 img
Tea simulations Latest
Inference_simulations Tips before getting started This is a document made to accompany some simulations from the Inference lecture in Psych 201a. The goal of this document is to continue learning in R/tidyverse but also to gain hands on experience...
6793 sym Python (11538 sym/53 pcs) 11 img
Steve Ross 6
Aula 4 - Estatística - 25/10/2024 Latest
#introdução library(readxl) Familias <- read_excel("C:/Users/Maria Helena/Desktop/Base_de_dados-master/Familias.xls") View(Familias) load("C:/Users/Maria Helena/Desktop/Base_de_dados-master/Bussab.RData") load("C:/Users/Maria...
825 sym R (7275 sym/55 pcs) 6 img 3 tbl
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
598 sym 1 img
Ana Sofia Miranda Ocampo 6
Distribución Logarítmica - Normal Latest
La distribución log-norm es una distribución de probabilidad continua de una variable aleatoria cuyo logaritmo está normalmente distribuido. En el lenguaje de programación R, se puede observar la distribución log-norm como la fucnión...
1285 sym 2 img
Dr. Farrokh Alemi 6
Guidance on Regression through Search Assignment Latest
Step-by-Step Instructions Copy and paste these prompts into ChatGPT. Copy and paste any errors into ChatGPT for troubleshooting. Always verify the names of variables and the subsets of data you created during the assignment. Prompt #1: You are a...
4342 sym