Luis Carlos Castañeda Gonzalez 6
Problema 2 Latest
PROPIEDADES DE LOS ESTIMADORES La simulación ayuda a entender y validar las propiedades de los estimadores estadísticos como son: insesgadez, eficiencia y la consistencia principalmente. El siguiente problema permite evidenciar las principales...
1343 sym R (2775 sym/9 pcs) 2 img
Lucy Jackson 6
Revised Pilot 2 Content Analysis Latest
Revised Content Analysis Revised Content Analysis Revising the Coding Framework - Wey Aye man! Data Overview Preliminary visualisations Aggression Distribution Authority Distribution The Wider Picture? Testing for...
6310 sym 6 img
Distribuciones discreta 6
actividad 2 esequiel vasquez Latest
Distribución de Poisson La distribución de Poisson es una distribución de probabilidad discreta que expresa la probabilidad de ocurrencia de un determinado número de evento durante un cierto intervalo de tiempo o espacio, a partir de una...
1818 sym
Taller_Informatica_Medica_#1_Sebastian_Ruales Latest
title:“Taller_Informatica_Medica_1” author:“Juan Sebastian Ruales Cañas” date:“14/09/2023” Taller # 1 Juan Sebastian Ruales Cañas Punto #2 Punto A) A=(24/(-8)+7)/(9-6*(2)) A ## [1] -1.333333 Punto B) B= 2^3*-7+4-(1/3+1/2) B ## [1]...
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By Ananya 6
Minor_project Latest
Here is a Google Play Store Analysis code. Now lets perform Data Preparing: Lets get started now with loading all my libraries. library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages...
980 sym R (12874 sym/41 pcs) 5 img
ACITIVIDAD 2 Problema1: Estimación del valor \(\pi\) se realiza una funcion donde se calulara el valor de \(\pi\) p1<- function(n) { x<-runif(n,0,1) y<-runif(n,0,1) formula<-(x-0.5)^2+ (y-0.5)^2 prop<-c() for (i in...
1689 sym 16 img 5 tbl
Georgiano Terto 6
Gráfico da função densidade de uma Dist. Exponencial Latest
1) Sabe-se que os smartphones de determinada empresa tem duração média de 3 anos. Construa o gráfico da função exponencial descrita no exercício. require(knitr) x <- c(0:30) x # Criar um vetor de 1 a 30 (Tempo em anos). y <-...
154 sym 1 img
GMM Iterations Latest
Table of contents Correlation Matrices Statistical Tests for Association and Prediction K-Means Clustering GMM Results for Socioeconomic Variables Results for Physical Variables Results for Climate Variables Results for Socioeconomic and Physical...
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Zarif Ibtehaj Emon 6
Assigenment1 Latest
##Question01 (5*4)^(4*5)-56 ## [1] 1.048576e+26 23-1*(8-12) ## [1] 27 56/8*(3+4) ## [1] 49 45-5*8+(8+9) ## [1] 22 ##Question02 # Create vector a a <- c(2, 5, 6, 7) # Create vector b b <- c(1, 0, 9, 8) # Create vector c c <- c(6, 5, 8, 3) #...
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cat Latest
cat Author chenfei Liu The cat introduction: A cat is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal known for its agility, grace, and independent nature. It belongs to the Felidae family and is scientifically called Felis catus. Cats have been kept as...
362 sym