Tara Cool 6
Data Mining + Machine Learning in R: Analysis of Airbnb Data Latest
Introduction New York City’s Airbnb rental market is a dynamic and diverse ecosystem, attracting global travelers and property owners. This data mining project delves into this complex landscape to extract valuable insights that inform...
141332 sym R (80749 sym/156 pcs) 17 img
Nicolás Corvalán 6
Document Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
598 sym 1 img
Karla Quintero Código:2206258 6
Análisis estadístico de áreas deforestadas en el departamento del Chocó Latest
Análisis estadístico de áreas deforestadas en el departamento del Chocó. Introducción La deforestación puede causar impactos significativos a nivel local y global en la sociedad y el medio ambiente. A nivel global, contribuye a alrededor...
14878 sym 4 img 2 tbl
BUDA 451 HW 4 - Bryce Kunschick Latest
This project compares annual returns to market returns. Summary: Median and CAGR: Jack and Sara both beat the median market return over the years that they were invested. Abe’s median return was slightly less than Sara’s, but he did not beat...
887 sym 4 img
Devani Retno Syalesha Kuwera 6
Week5_Coba Latest
WEEK 5 TEXTBOOK : Example 5.1 Issue=function(I_t1,I_t0,f,r,j2,n){ index=(I_t1/I_t0)/((1+f)^0.5) coupon=((r*100)/2)*(1-(1+j2/2)^(-n))/(j2/2) redemption=100*(1+j2/2)^(-n) payment=coupon+redemption Issue=index*payment return(Issue) }...
309 sym R (2007 sym/22 pcs)
João Pedro 6
Relatório IBOVESPA Latest
Retorno do índice BOVESPA Dados de 2023 Retorno do índice BOVESPA CAPÍTULO 1 SEÇÃO 1.1 CAPÍTULO 2 SEÇÃO 2.1 João Pedro 2023-09-21 CAPÍTULO 1 Este é o texto do ínicio do capítulo 1 esta é a linha 1 esta é a continuação da...
599 sym
Jonathon Barbaro, CFA 6
AI-nalyst: Valuation of AAPL using Chat-GPT Latest
Finance and Frappuccinos Introduction Like many people this year, I have been caught in the storm of AI developments. As an individual who has spent most of their career at the intersection of data science and finance, I’ve been fortunate to...
60647 sym 3 img
Poonam Modi and Morena Shepard 6
Lab #1 - Poonam & Morena Latest
About This notebook is your first lab assignment. Please be sure to submit your work before the due date.You are expected to submit a knitted version of your worksheet which can be an html, pdf or word file. If you worked as a team one of the team...
3891 sym
Distribución de la media muestral 6
Publish Document Latest
Ejercicos DISTRIBUCIÓN DE LA MEDIA MUESTRAL Los pesos de los paquetes recibidos en un departamento de almacenamiento tienen una media de 300 libras y una desviación típica de 50 libras. ¿Cuál es la probabilidad de que el peso de 25 paquetes...
1395 sym
Polenik_Homework4.1 Latest
Homework 4 Megan Polenik Homework 4 Published 9/18/23 BUDA 450 M/W/F @ 3:30 analysis of information...
2093 sym 1 img