Explore turbines data In this practice, we will explore the turbine data in Canada, explore factor affecting turbine’s capacity, and apply decision tree to predict tubines’s capacity based on thier characteristic. Detail description of the...
1911 sym R (7216 sym/17 pcs) 2 img
Uygulamalı ekonometri CV Latest
Jason STATHAM ÖZEL GÜVENLİK MÜDÜRÜ 2021-12-23 ÖZELLİKLER Vasıf Mükemmel müşteri iletişimi İletişim kurma yeteneği Ekip çalışması Nitelikler Mükemmel organizasyon ve titiz çalışma Satış uzmanlığı alanında tanınan...
529 sym
Husnul Aris Haikal 6
Database Queries and Spasial Data with R Latest
Database Queries with R penggunaan inner_join(), left_join(), right_join(), full_join(), semi_join(), anti_join() untuk menggabungkan 2 table atau lebih menggunakan Northwind_large.sqlite library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages...
4371 sym R (18321 sym/62 pcs) 1 img
Clinical Epidemiology assignment 3 Latest
Assignment 3 This project is about Predicting mortality in intensive care unit patients infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae. This study aimed to develop a prediction model and simplified risk score to predict 14-day mortality in ICU patients...
9463 sym Python (27626 sym/117 pcs) 7 img 4 tbl
Hyrum Worth 6
Findings Latest
Mobile Vs Website Here we have the raw data of the number of people who are using the mobile version and the number of people using the web version. As we can see, there are more people using the web version of the software than there are people...
1903 sym 4 img
Hazel Zuriel Menendez Ceron Resolucion Parcial 1 MAE118 6
Resolución Parcial 1 MAE118 GT03 Latest
PARTE TEORICA 1. Explique ¿Qué son las estructuras de datos? Son bases de datos que contienen datos de diferentes tipos. Cuando se tienen varios datos sean del mismo tipo o de diferente tipo y lo colocamos juntos se arma una estructura de...
2697 sym R (9309 sym/43 pcs) 1 img 5 tbl
Iain Muir 6
Article Review: The 7 Steps of Machine Learning Latest
Article Summary Yufeng Guo’s The 7 Steps of Machine Learning, published on August 31th, 2017, highlights the key steps to be taken to complete a successful project in Machine Learning. In order to discuss these steps with a practical...
3459 sym R (40 sym/1 pcs) 5 img 2 tbl
Grupo Nº1 6
Análisis del Plan de Gobierno - Avanza País Latest
0.1 Introducción En este documento se analizará el actual plan de gobierno del partido político Avanza País en el período 2021 - 2026. Comenzaremos estableciendo las frecuencias del vocabulario empleado en la data, así como el sentimientos e...
2901 sym R (3643 sym/8 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl
R Exam Latest
Ian Gošnak, 19228866 Task 1 # data(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE)) = Code used to show all data sets available in my R studio, even the ones that aren't loaded at the moment <- This is how I found my data set in package "boot" mydata...
12773 sym R (15130 sym/70 pcs) 9 img
Sasahara Lab 6
Deepfake Experiment Latest
Deepfake Experiment Study 1 In this study, we intent to explore do people believe deepfakes and their sharing intentions of deepfake videos. We pre-registerd our study in this - Data Analysis Data sets can be found in our Github Repo - ## New...
706 sym Python (19474 sym/24 pcs) 1 img