Publications by Sasahara Lab
Data from all studdies Pilitical and Entertainment from Study 1 and study 2 #Clean Political data frame to explore the effect of measured other variables Study1_data_raw_pol <- read_csv("C:/Users/Dell/OneDrive/Documents/CREST Postdoc/Deepfakes Experiment/Analysis/Study_1aPolitical/DeepF_Study1a_Politics.csv") ## New names: ## Rows: 130 Columns: ...
611 sym Python (82050 sym/69 pcs) 1 img
Deepfake Combined Data Wrangling #Clean Political data frame to explore the effect of measured other variables study2_data_raw_pol_all <- read_csv("C:/Users/Dell/OneDrive/Documents/CREST Postdoc/Deepfakes Experiment/Study 2 raw data/NEW - DeepF_Study 2_Politics (Believability AND Sharing Intentions) - FINAL - Copy_June 27, 2023_00.24.csv") ## Rows...
879 sym R (30523 sym/64 pcs) 8 img
Deepfake Entertainment Data Wrangling #Clean Entertainment data frame to explore the effect of measured other variables study2_data_raw_ent_all <- read_csv("C:/Users/Dell/OneDrive/Documents/CREST Postdoc/Deepfakes Experiment/Study 2 raw data/NEW - DeepF_Study 2_Entertainment (Believability AND Sharing Intentions) - FINAL_July 3, 2023_00.46.csv") #...
563 sym R (17228 sym/37 pcs) 6 img
Study 2 Pol Mediation Analysis
Deepfake Political Data Wrangling #Clean Political data frame to explore the effect of measured other variables study2_data_raw_pol_all <- read_csv("C:/Users/Dell/OneDrive/Documents/CREST Postdoc/Deepfakes Experiment/Study 2 Political/Study 2 raw data/NEW - DeepF_Study 2_Politics (Believability AND Sharing Intentions) - FINAL - Copy_June 27, 2023_...
357 sym Python (14980 sym/18 pcs)
Deepfake Experiment-EDA Combined Ent and Pol
##Deepfake EDA with All type of videos - Pilitical and Entertainment #Clean Political data frame to explore the effect of measured other variables data_raw_pol <- read_csv("C:/Users/Dell/OneDrive/Documents/CREST Postdoc/Deepfakes Experiment/Analysis/Study_1aPolitical/DeepF_Study1a_Politics.csv") ## New names: ## Rows: 130 Columns: 261 ## ──...
753 sym R (74435 sym/102 pcs) 22 img 10 tbl
Deepfake Experiment
Deepfake Experiment Study 1 In this study, we intent to explore do people believe deepfakes and their sharing intentions of deepfake videos. We pre-registerd our study in this - Data sets can be found in our Github Repo - ## New names: ## Rows: 130 Columns: 261 ## ── Column specification ## ────────────────�...
892 sym R (26644 sym/58 pcs) 3 img
Deepfake Experiment
Deepfake Experiment Study 1 In this study, we intent to explore do people believe deepfakes and their sharing intentions of deepfake videos. We pre-registerd our study in this - Data Analysis Data sets can be found in our Github Repo - ## New names: ## Rows: 130 Columns: 261 ## ── Column specification ## ───────────�...
706 sym Python (19474 sym/24 pcs) 1 img