Hrishikesh Kambli 6
Reproducible Research: Course Project 2 Latest
Synopsis This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database. This database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including when and where...
3611 sym R (4733 sym/20 pcs) 3 img
Steven Hanssens 6
Harmful Events across USA Latest
Synopsis In this article, we analyze severe weather evens in United States with regard to population health and economic consequence. The data used come from the U.S. Nation Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s storm database recording each...
3532 sym R (4270 sym/13 pcs) 2 img
Holly Stiltner 6
Greek God and Goddess Names with Reference to Percy Jackson Latest
I am looking at the frequency of Greek God and Goddess’ names. I am going to start broad and eventually work my way down to a short list of names. I plan to first visualize the data by looking at the data set by showing each name with its...
2790 sym R (4715 sym/21 pcs) 3 img
WQD7004 Lab 1 Latest
Q2 Create a vector named num with four elements (2, 0, 4, 6). a. Display the third element of the vector. b. Display the all elements of the vector except first element. c. Count the number of elements in the vector. num <- c(2,0,4,6) #Q2a...
1325 sym
AAQ Monthly Reporting Latest
Apr 2021 - Apr 2022 AAQ Analysis Volume By desk, this shows the number of AAQs submitted during each month in the report date range. You can also find averages and additional information about AAQs that were submitted outside the date range but...
1381 sym 8 img 4 tbl
Hugo Enrique Espronceda Anaya A01284827 6
Comandos Básicos Latest
###Asignación de variables x <- 2 y <- 3 ###Impresión de Resultados x ## [1] 2 y ## [1] 3 #Operaciones Aritméticas suma <- x+y suma ## [1] 5 division <- x/y division ## [1] 0.6666667 #funciones matematicas raiz_cuadrada <- sqrt(x) raiz_cuadrada...
2158 sym 2 img
L1P2 Latest
Alunos: Hugo Addobbati e José de Arimatéia. OBS: as perguntas respondidas serão as perguntas 2 e 3. library(tidyverse) library(here) theme_set(theme_bw()) Análise Comparativa sobre distribuição de chuvas durante o ano em Patos, João...
6124 sym R (3752 sym/18 pcs) 11 img
HD3 6
Amora project Latest
HD3 Relatório HD3 2022-02-27 A New Output Format Lista de Elementos Lista: Elemento 1 Elemento 2 Elemento 3 Negrito itálico html library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 -- ## v...
265 sym R (1567 sym/10 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl
Prof. Hugo Montesinos and Prof. Olga Nicoara 6
Baseball/Sabermetrics with MoneyBall Example Latest
Moneyball (2011). Introductory videos: Trailer: He Gets on Base Scene: Player Value Scene: Academic videos: We...
5896 sym R (7493 sym/34 pcs) 7 img
Hugo Tintinago - 1633285 6
Primer ejercicio R Latest
Rèplica sobre como crear un documento en Markdown En este documento analizaremos algunas variables de una base de datos brindada por R Studio. Podemos observar del histograma que la variable de los pasajeros àereos se comporta de manera...
560 sym R (103 sym/1 pcs) 1 img