Publications by Hrishikesh Kambli

Reproducible Research: Course Project 2


Synopsis This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database. This database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including when and where they occur, as well as estimates of any fatalities, injuries, and property damage. In this report I aim ...

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3/1/2021 Instructions Create a web page presentation using R Markdown that features a plot created with Plotly. Host your webpage on either GitHub Pages, RPubs, or NeoCities. Your webpage must contain the date that you created the document, and it must contain a plot created with Plotly. Submission I’ll be using a dataset called the air qua...

827 sym

Capstone Project Milestone Report


Introduction This is the Milestone Report for week 2 of the Coursera Data Science Capstone project. Using exploratory data analysis, this report describes the major features of the training data and then summarizes my plans for creating the predictive model. The objective of this report is to develop an understanding of the various properties of ...

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Developing Data Products Week 2 Assignment


Instructions Create a web page using R Markdown that features a map created with Leaflet. Host your webpage on either GitHub Pages, RPubs, or NeoCities. The webpage must contain the date that you created the document, and it must contain a map created with Leaflet. Submission The dataset used is available at

650 sym R (686 sym/2 pcs)

JHU Data Science Capstone Project Final Pitch


JHU Data Science Capstone Final PitchHrishikesh Kambli15 March, 2021 This presentation will briefly but comprehensively pitch an application for predicting the next word. The Objective The main goal of this capstone project is to build a shiny application that takes an input phrase (multiple words) in a text box and outputs a prediction of the...

2436 sym

Developing Data Products Project Pitch


3/13/2021 Coursera Reproducible Pitch This presentation is part of the Course Project for the Coursera Developing Data Products class. First, we need to create a Shiny application and deploy it on Rstudio’s servers. Second, we should use Slidify or Rstudio Presenter to prepare a reproducible pitch presentation about the application. The app de...

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