Pronósticos de Primas Cobradas Latest
Gabriel Chirinos 31/10/2021 1. Introducción El presente estudio técnico tiene como finalidad analizar las primas cobradas por una compañia de seguros enfocándose en el ramo de seguros de automóvil. Para la fecha del presente estudio...
7315 sym R (163 sym/1 pcs) 3 tbl
Earnings Gap Analysis (Algoritma IP Day 3) Latest
Earnings Gap Analysis Row Chart A Row Chart B Chart...
118 sym
Alexander Hurtado 6
Informe 1 - Estadistica Ii Latest
Cargar datos Se usará una base de datos de viviendas, que para su carga se usa el paquete readxl de R library(readxl) datosvivienda <- read_excel("datos_vivienda.xlsx") attach(datosvivienda) area = Area_contruida precio = precio_millon Se...
3525 sym R (2744 sym/26 pcs) 4 img
Dr. Kai Cao 6
Document Latest
Install and Launching R Packages This code chunk install the basic tidyverse packages and load them onto RStudio environment. packages = c('tidyverse') for(p in packages){ if(!require(p, character.only = T)){ install.package(p) }...
133 sym R (156 sym/1 pcs)
Geoffrey Chege 6
IP_W12: R Project - Identifying individuals most likely to click an ad Latest
1. Introduction 1.1 Defining the question Determine which individuals are most likely to click on an ad from the Exploratory Data Analysis 1.2 The Context A Kenyan entrepreneur has created an online cryptography course and would want to...
3412 sym R (10070 sym/42 pcs) 16 img
Gerson de Oliveira 6
R Markdown and Leaflet Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
591 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Mathias Svendsen 6
Projekt 2 Latest
Opgave 1 a) Vi kan benytte binomial koefficentien \[\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!},\] til og beregne antallet af skåle med forskelligt indhold en studerende kan vælge, når hun vælger 5 forskellige grøntsager fra salatbaren. Mere specifikt...
11928 sym R (3968 sym/57 pcs) 3 img
Ghina Fauziah 6
Regresi Non-Linear Latest
Tugas Regresi Non-Linear Tugas Regresi Non-Linear Soal Data Jawaban Soal 1 mpg vs displacement mpg vs horsepower mpg vs weight Jawaban Soal 2 mpg vs displacement mpg vs horsepower mpg vs weight Kesimpulan Ghina Fauziah 10/29/2021 Package...
6342 sym R (21042 sym/81 pcs) 15 img
International Schools Participating in FAFSA Latest
International Schools Participating in FAFSA Name City Country Status American University of Antigua College of Medicine Coolidge Antigua Eligible American University of Antigua College of Medicine Coolidge ANTIGUA Eligible...
56 sym 1 tbl