Publications by Georgy Makarov
Analysis of storms impact on population health and economy in US
Synopsis Storms cause public health and economic problems in US. Preventing fatalities, injuries and asset loss are major concern for local authorities. The goal of this analysis was to identify the most hazardous weather events in terms of population health and economy in US. This analysis is based on US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administ...
4090 sym R (29215 sym/43 pcs) 2 img
Car class predictor
Developing Data Products Course ProjectGeorgy MakarovMarch 31, 2020 Car class predictor This application is part of Developing Data Products Coursera course project The application predicts the class of a car with random forest model based on engine displacement, number of cylinders, city mileage an...
1126 sym R (303 sym/2 pcs) 2 img
Car accidents in Russia 2016 - 2018
27 03 2020 Number of accidents per month Mortality rate by month Accidents by hour Unusual accidents ...
118 sym
Car accidents in Saint-Petersburg 2019
Introduction Traffic accidents in Russia caused 16981 deaths and 210877 injuries in 2019 according to official statistics. Russian government had developed a strategy to reduce the number of traffic accidents in 2016. The strategy targets 1.5 - 2 deaths per 100000 population by the end of 2024. While much effort has focused on predicting whether ...
17728 sym R (26258 sym/48 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl
Predict sales in R: outliers detection 2
Introduction Forecasting sales is the basis of budgeting in production and retail companies. Usually budgeting starts from sales. Sales drive costs and supply chains. Accurate sales prediction is a must when a company works in tight financial conditions. One way to forecast sales is to use historical data. However often data contains outliers, wh...
5320 sym R (3256 sym/16 pcs) 9 img
Predict sales in R: outliers detection 1
Prerequisite libraries library(dplyr) library(lubridate) library(splines) library(ggplot2) library(forecast) library(e1071) Introduction Sales forecasting for next financial year is the main step in budgeting after the strategy and business goals were determined. One way to forecast sales is to use historical sales data [1]. Historical data ofte...
12141 sym R (2717 sym/15 pcs) 3 img
Use python in Rstudio
Summary Rstudio allows to develop and run python scripts. This text shows how to prepare Rstudio to run python scripts. Preparation includes configuring python. This text does not cover installation of python. The following guide applies to local Ubuntu machine. The text shows 2 ways: using Linux terminal and using Rstudio methods. Terminal meth...
1421 sym R (610 sym/5 pcs)