Publications by Geoffrey Chege



1. Introduction 1.1 Defining the question Determine which individuals are most likely to click on an ad using supervised learning prediction models. 1.2 The Context A Kenyan entrepreneur has created an online cryptography course and would want to advertise it on her blog. She currently targets audiences originating from various countries. ...

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IP_W12: R Project - Identifying individuals most likely to click an ad


1. Introduction 1.1 Defining the question Determine which individuals are most likely to click on an ad from the Exploratory Data Analysis 1.2 The Context A Kenyan entrepreneur has created an online cryptography course and would want to advertise it on her blog. She currently targets audiences originating from various countries. In the pas...

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1. Problem Definition Kira Plastinina is a Russian brand that is sold through a defunct chain of retail stores in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, China, Philippines, and Armenia. The brand’s Sales and Marketing team would like to understand their customer’s behavior from data that they have collected over the past year. More specifi...

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## Example # ---- # Let's first assign the variable x the value 5 and also assign the variable y the value 16. # --- # x <- 5 y <- 16 ## Then, we add x and y together using the addition operator + # --- # x + y ## [1] 21 ## Challenge # --- # Question: Using our understanding in the above example, # let's now subtract x from y ...

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Association Rules


1. Introduction Defining the question I am a Data analyst at Carrefour Kenya and are currently undertaking a project that will inform the marketing department on the most relevant marketing strategies that will result in the highest no. of sales (total price including tax). I am expected to find out the associations between products. Metric ...

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Publish Document Test


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks with...

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