
Erik Otárola-Castillo 6

‘read.morphologika’ update Latest


Update for read.morphologika function. This code will be added to geomorph on our next package update. This update fixes problems with message “object ‘incoords’ not found”. Can be used with example data set mydata_readmorphologika....

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erikr 6

Welcome to Blogistic Reflections! (A blog created entirely in Emacs org-mode) Latest


John Tukey’s preface to Exploratory Data Analysis begins with a useful rule, “It is important to understand what you can do before you learn to measure how well you seem to have done it.” When I decided I wanted to start a blog concentrating...

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Erin 6

Document Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

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HW1_ErinLiu Latest


Erin_Liu_HW1 A new article created using the Distill format. Erin Liu (Spacely Sprockets) 2021-12-22 Distill is a publication format for scientific and technical writing, native...

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Ernesto Castillo 6

U1A3 Latest


U1A3 DISTRIBUCIONES DE FRECUENCIA Y COVID 19 El objetivo de este ejercico es analizar la frecuencia con la que ocurren los contagios, recuperaciones y muertes por COVID-19 en México Para esto, utilizamos datos de la universidad Johns Hopkins...

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Emma Seiberlich 6

DS 3001: Week 4 lab Latest


The simplest explanation of machine learning you’ll ever read was first published May 24, 2018 on HackerNoon Author Cassie Kozyrkov “The simplest explanation of machine learning you’ll ever read” is one of many articles published on...

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Lucas Mendes 6

Previsão UFC Latest


Code Show All Hide All Previsão UFC Objetivo Variaveis a serem usadas Base de dados Análise Exploratória Qual lado do ring tem mais vitórias? Quais juizes mais apitaram Número de eventos por ano Lugares com maior número de eventos...

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Erik Rehnberg Steeb 6

Tornadoes and Erosion: The Most Disruptive Weather Events in America Latest


```r knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE) library(knitr) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from...

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Estefany Ohana 6

1 Trabalho Estatística Latest


ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS X ENERGIAS NÃO RENOVÁVEIS Figura 1 - Energias Renováveis e Energias Não Renováveis ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS Conceito: Energias renováveis são recursos naturais, considerados inesgotáveis, que são utilizados para gerar...

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Reproducible Research: Course Croject 2 Latest


The most damaging weather events in the United States Abstract In this project, we will classify the most disastrous weather events for the United States according to economic losses and damage to the population. Synopsis Storms and other severe...

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