Publications by Erik Otárola-Castillo
‘read.morphologika’ update
Update for read.morphologika function. This code will be added to geomorph on our next package update. This update fixes problems with message “object ‘incoords’ not found”. Can be used with example data set mydata_readmorphologika. Here, I provide sample data in the Morphologika format composed of two specimens with 50 landmarks each, ...
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Major update to the R-package geomorph
Hi Folks,We have just completed a major update to the R-package geomorph:software for geometric morphometric analyses in R. Included are several new functions to carry out additional GM analyses, as well as enhancements of existing functions and analyses. The major highlights of these changes are:– New function for the analysis of bilater...
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Plot 3D Wireframes from Morphologika
Hi morphometricians,A quick update: a function to plot Morphologika 3D wireframes using the package geomorph. This routine (or a version of it) will be included in our next package update under the “read.morphologika” function.Enjoy!Example:library(geomorph)# create an array of 10 random 3D specimens with 6 landmarks each to GPAdata# create a...
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New fixed.angle() Function
Hello morphometricians,Below you can find a new fixed angle function addressing the problem discovered by Fabio Machado in the morphmet mail archive. We will include this function in our next schedule update to geomorph. Cheers, Erik CODE: fixed.angle if (length(dim(A))!=3){ stop(“Data matrix 1 not a 3D array (see...
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New geomorph function to digitize multiple 2d images
Hi Morphometricians! We’ve enhanced geomorph’s ability to continuously digitize multiple specimens’ images in 2d, if these are within the same directory. This new function allows one to digitize 2d images without interruption. Thanks to Samuel Brown and Karl Fetter for suggesting the improvement. We will incorporate this function in ou...
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Update to curves2d()
Dear morphometricians, Below you will find an update to our function for digitizing curves in 2d: curves2d(). This solves a problem with the function plotting landmarks and semilandmarks out of sequence. To use it, you can “source()” the code from a directory, or copy and paste it during digitizing. Cheers, Erik CODE: curves2dlmlm sp...
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