Publications by Erik Rehnberg Steeb
Interactive Map
7/27/2020 R Markdown Second R Markdown presentation, created on 27 July 2020 Plotly Plot Thank you Thank you for reveiewing my presentation ...
153 sym
Regression Analysis of Mileage and Transmission
library(datasets) library(ggplot2) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) Executive Summary This document is submitted as the course project for the Coursera Regression Models course, the seventh course in the Data Science specialization offered by Johns Hopkins University. The instructions for the assignment are: You work for Motor Trend, a maga...
2311 sym R (3845 sym/14 pcs) 2 img
Tornadoes and Erosion: The Most Disruptive Weather Events in America
```r knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE) library(knitr) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(magrittr) library(stringr) ...
4857 sym R (5021 sym/18 pcs) 2 img
Developing Data Products Pitch Deck
8/7/2020 CAISO Net Demand Data This app shows the 7-day average net demand on the CAISO grid during three consecutive years, 2018, 2019, and 2020. The app also indicates the mean of the max ramp rate of net demand in that 7-day window, as well as when that ramp occurs. Applications The app gives users an idea of the effects of COVID-19 relate...
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Capstone Week 1 Quiz
Week 1 Quiz Q1. The en_US.blogs.txt file is how many megabytes? It’s easiest to just look in file explorer, especially since the loaded object will be different than the original .txt file. Correct answer: 200 Q2. The en_US.twitter.txt has how many lines of text? summaryTwitter <- summary(rawTwitter) summaryTwitter ## Length Class ...
838 sym R (1000 sym/13 pcs)
Milestone Report
The first step will be to load in the entire dataset in order to perform some initial exploratory analysis. As the data is loaded and explored, I’ll be saving bi-, tri-, and quadgrams to be later used in the prediction model. The basic idea will be to avoid saving anything that only appears once in the dataset, possibly making a few other tweak...
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Predict_Text Slide Deck
Predict_Text Slide Deck Overview This app uses a barebones text prediction algorithm to attempt to predict the next word from a user input. The initial data was provided as part of the Data Science Capstone project offered by Johns Hopkins University Algorithm The Shiny app uses a simple backoff algorith, which attempts to use a list of quadgra...
1012 sym R (283 sym/1 pcs)