Michele Vicovaro 6
Bayes_collisions Latest
knitr::opts_chunk$set(include = TRUE) Iniziamo con l’importare il dataset (che abbiamo preventivamente salvato nella stessa cartella alla quale appartiene questo documento): library(readxl) data <- read_excel("dataNaturalness.xlsx") Modifico...
1151 sym R (2362 sym/13 pcs) 1 img
Jorge D Lopez-Saavedra 6
Scraping Fifa Website Latest
We will build a database from the information contained in fifa website to get all the ratings, positions, age, nationality and club from all the players registered with Fifa. Exploring Website Fifa website looks like this, website:...
1446 sym R (29911 sym/14 pcs) 3 img
José Daniel Cruz Romero 6
Cnidarios Latest
Cnidarios Los cnidarios son un Filium de invertebrados. Estos animales poseen defensas a nivel de células llamadas cnidocitos,de ahí su nombre. Se dividen en dos: Medusas y polipos Son morfologicamente distintos pero iguales internamente como se...
595 sym 2 img
Jose 6
Mexico City’s Metro Statistics Latest
I used R and ggplot2 to make a bubble map of Mexico City’s Metro passenger count from January to February 2012. The statistics are stunning, some stations for example Indios Verdes, reached 10 million passengers in jus three months. You can see...
784 sym R (1065 sym/1 pcs) 2 img
José Blanco BO20007 6
Guia No 1 Econometría BO20007 Latest
EJERCICIO NO 1 Literal 1 options(scipen = 99999999) load("C:/Users/8abla/Downloads/modelo_ventas.RData") matriz_X<-model.matrix(modelo_ventas) matriz_XX<-t(matriz_X)%*%matriz_X #Calculo d ela matriz A...
1146 sym R (1479560 sym/60 pcs)
José Roberto Velásquez González VG16027 6
Prueba para clase Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
594 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
José Ivan Silva da Cruz Júnior 6
library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages...
1483 sym R (4281 sym/28 pcs) 13 img
Josefina Larrain 6
Actividad 3 - Larrain Latest
P1 Cargue la base de datos Act.3csv y los paquetes que sean necesarios para un data.table. library(data.table) Act3<-fread("Act3.csv",fill = TRUE) P2 Revise la base de datos y elimine las aplicaciones que se encuentran duplicadas....
1701 sym R (76182 sym/16 pcs)
José Marín 6
Tarea 1 ESTCOMP Latest
DESAFÍO 1. 1) Funcion que calcula la distancia entre dos puntos. x1 <- 360 y1 <- 270 x2 <- 90 y2 <- 180 distancia=sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2) print(distancia) ## [1] 284.605 2) Función que calcula la tangente de un numero...
821 sym
Joseph Johnson 6
Lab Project 1 Latest
About Qualitative Descriptive Analytics aims to gather an in-depth understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations for an event or observation. It is typically represented with visuals or charts. Quantitative Descriptive Analytics focuses...
3364 sym R (2567 sym/45 pcs) 1 img