Publications by Jorge D Lopez-Saavedra
Text Analytics
Table of contents Text Analytics Reading Books Printing a few Lines of Moby Dick Vectorizing Words in Books How many different words each book has? Removing Commonly Used Words in the English Language Preparing Books for Analysis Using R for Further Analysis Loading R Packages Mod R Dataframe to Pivot Columns to Rows Word Frequency Compariso...
11047 sym Python (16758 sym/77 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
Rebalancing Dow Jones
Intro In this project I will attempt to rebalance the Dow Jones Industrial Average in such a way as to expect a higher return, a lower risk, or both. I feel this is a lot to digest at first. So, let’s start with the basics. 1. What is the Dow Jones? Investopedia Link 1 From investopedia, we learn: The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is ...
5693 sym R (13127 sym/21 pcs) 6 img
Recaman Sequence Challenge
In mathematics and computer science, the Recamán’s sequence (or Recaman’s sequence) is a well known sequence defined by a recurrence relation, because its elements are related to the previous elements in a straightforward way, they are often defined using recursion. It takes its name after its inventor Bernardo Recamán Santos (Bogotá, Augu...
815 sym R (2617 sym/5 pcs) 2 img
Scraping Fifa Website
We will build a database from the information contained in fifa website to get all the ratings, positions, age, nationality and club from all the players registered with Fifa. Exploring Website Fifa website looks like this, website: “” ###Exploring website with R Code library(rvest) ## Warning: pac...
1446 sym R (29911 sym/14 pcs) 3 img
Discussion Questions 1. Use the R command X <- iris to assign Fishers’ iris dataset to the data matrix X. Using the head(X) command summarize what each column of the dataset is measuring and represents. Assign Y as a new matrix of dimension 150 by 4 which has the values of X without the species label. X<- iris #summary head(X) ## Sepal...
8975 sym R (8662 sym/51 pcs) 6 img
Warm Up Activity Consider two Samples of Data : \[X_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 3&7 \\2&4 \\ 4&7 \end{bmatrix}, X_2=\begin{bmatrix} 6&9 \\5&7 \\ 4&8 \end{bmatrix}\] Find the discriminant function and use it to classify a new data point \(x_{new}=\begin{bmatrix}2&7\end{bmatrix}\) x1bar <- colMeans(iris[iris$Species=="setosa",1:4]) x2bar <- colMeans(ir...
3680 sym R (14414 sym/71 pcs) 1 img
Fifa World Cup 2022
Output R plot_ly(data=df_rankings2,x=~logGDP,y=~fifaRanking,type='scatter',mode='markers') %>% add_trace(text=~nombrePais, color=~catColor_GDP, marker = list(size = 10) ) %>% add_trace(y=~prediccion,mode='lines') %>% add_text(x=28,y=200,text='<b>Corr= -0.6</b>', textfont = list(color ...
32 sym R (3179 sym/2 pcs)