
Afzal 7

Logrithmic Regression Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

566 sym R (1386 sym/8 pcs) 2 img

Youtube Trending Videos Analysist Latest


Youtube Trending Videos Analysist Row Trending Categories of Youtube US 2022 Row TOP 10 Gaming Channel Viewers Activity of Gaming...

187 sym

Youtube Video Trending Analysis Latest


Youtube Video Trending Analysis Column Chart A Column Chart B Chart...

120 sym

HCVT Week 86 Code Output Latest


Please see below for the latest update on Merced, Stanislaus, and Yolo County wastewater data. Weeks 83-84: 05/21 - 06/03 Weeks 85-86: 06/04 - 06/17 Table 1: Variant to N-Gene Proportions (Week 86) Last Week’s Variant to N-Gene Proportions...

4818 sym 1 img 6 tbl

mchester 7

Air purifier update Latest


Summary Preliminary visualizations for the air purifier study. Visualizations include normality and boxplot checks. Normality Visualization data %>% filter(size_fraction == "2_5") %>% ggplot(aes(concentration, fill = test)) + stat_bin(bins =...

617 sym 3 img

Rishav Dhariwal 7

Effect of major storms and weather events in the United States from 1950 - 2011 Latest


Synopsis In this data analysis project, we aim to explore the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s storm database, which tracks major storms and weather events in the United States. Our objective is to determine which types of...

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Amanda Cupit 7

First R Code Latest


Reflection Questions How was the install process? Anything I should know for future students? I had a difficult time downloading R and RStudios I had to speak to UITS and Apple Support. I had to complete three seperate updates on my laptop in order...

466 sym

Ejercicio clase 9 Latest


Resumen México se ha caracterizado por ser un país con un reducido crecimiento económico y baja calidad institucional política debido al incumplimiento de las normas establecidas, altos niveles de corrupción y una elevada incertidumbre sobre la...

4190 sym R (17877 sym/35 pcs) 2 img

Efeito da Luz na Germinação de Sementes de Feijão Latest


Resumo Dados Análise Descritiva Gráfico de Dispersão Box-Plot Especificação e Ajuste do Modelo Análise de Resíduos Box-Cox ANOVA Teste de Tukey Conclusão Efeito da Luz na Germinação de Sementes de Feijão Helen...

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Anjeanette Sy 7

Analysis of Severe Weather Events Data based on Health Impact and Economic Impact Latest


Synopsis This analysis focuses on the impact of severe weather events on health and economics. The dataset used, StormData, contains 902,297 rows and 37 columns. We subsetted the data to consider specific factors related to health impact...

2393 sym R (3349 sym/13 pcs) 2 img