Publications by Afzal
Education vs Economic Outcome
Objective This analysis investigates the relationship between education level, field of study, employment status, annual income, and perceived return on investment (ROI). Our goal is to understand how educational factors impact income and job satisfaction, offering insights for students and policymakers. Data Preparation Load and preview the ...
4292 sym 7 img
Random Walk, Metropolis-Hastings Sampling
Introduction (Qs. 1) The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to sample from distributions where direct sampling is difficult. Algorithm Description The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm consists of the following steps: Initialize \(x^{(0)} \sim q(x)\). For each iteration \(i = 1, 2, \dots\) Propose \(x^{\text{cand}...
2486 sym Python (2271 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Hypothesis Testing [Updated]
Afzal-GH Introduction This document demonstrates various parametric and non parametric tests including the assumptions they make, the test statistical, the confidence intervals and plotting the critical region using R for both one-sample and two-sample scenarios, including one-way ANOVA. One-Sample Tests Z-Test Assumptions: Random Sampling:...
16316 sym R (12957 sym/42 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl
Machine Learning Algorithms for the Classification of Diabetes
Objective The objective of this dataset is to predict whether a patient is diabetic or not. The dataset consist of several predictors and a target variables (Outcome). Exploratory Data Analysis Data Analysis has been performed in order to get the insights and KPI for data and to evaluate the peformance of various machine learning algorithms. ...
886 sym 10 img 3 tbl
ToH and CI
Introduction This document demonstrates various parametric tests and confidence intervals using R for both one-sample and two-sample scenarios, including ANOVA. One-Sample Tests Z-Test The test statistic for the one-sample Z-test is calculated as: \[ Z = \frac{{\bar{X} - \mu_0}}{{\sigma / \sqrt{n}}} \] Where: \(\bar{X}\) is the sample mean....
4978 sym R (10223 sym/29 pcs) 7 img
R codes for fun
Question 1 This section contains a function to generate all combinations without replacement. It then initializes a result and asks the user for input on the number of bills they have and their values. It generates combinations without replacement for all values of k. # Function to generate all possible combinations without replacement combWoR ...
1906 sym 1 img
Logrithmic Regression
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within...
566 sym R (1386 sym/8 pcs) 2 img