Publications by Anjeanette Sy

MPG Predictor


August 07, 2023 Description of the mtcars Dataset mpg: Miles per gallon (fuel efficiency). cyl: Number of cylinders in the engine. disp: Displacement (cubic inches) of the engine. hp: Horsepower of the car. drat: Rear axle ratio. wt: Weight of the car (in thousands of pounds). qsec: 1/4 mile time (seconds) for 0 to 60 mph acceleration. vs: Engine...

742 sym

Shuttle Points Map


Load Libraries library(leaflet) Create a leaflet map map <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% # Add markers for shuttle points addMarkers(lat = 14.5535, lng = 121.0499, popup = "The Globe Tower") %>% addMarkers(lat = 14.5718, lng = 121.0498, popup = "Globe Telecom Plaza") %>% addMarkers(lat = 14.5492, lng = 121.0280, popup = "Shell Aya...

328 sym R (497 sym/2 pcs)

Interactive Plot with Plotly


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Interactive Plot with Plotly ] .author[ ### Anjeanette Sy ] .date[ ### August 07, 2023 ] --- class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Interactive Plot with Plotly This presentation features an interactive scatter plot created with Plotly based on the `mtcars` dataset. --- # Scatter P...

757 sym

Car MPG Predictor


The Car MPG Predictor App is a simple Shiny application that allows users to predict the miles per gallon (MPG) of a car model based on its weight. This document provides a guide on how to use the app effectively. Installation Make sure you have R and RStudio installed on your machine. Open RStudio and install the required packages using the foll...

926 sym R (84 sym/2 pcs)

Statistical Inference Course Project Part 1


Part 1: Simulation Exercise Instructions In this project, we will explore the characteristics of the exponential distribution using the R programming language and compare it with the Central Limit Theorem. The exponential distribution can be simulated in R using the function rexp(n, lambda), where lambda represents the rate parameter. In this case,...

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Part 2: Basic Inferential Data Analysis


Part 2: Basic Inferential Data Analysis Instructions This report pertains to the second part of the “Statistical Inference” course project on Coursera. In this section, we perform fundamental inferential analyses utilizing the ToothGrowth dataset, which is accessible within the R datasets package. Import libraries. library(ggplot2) library(data...

4573 sym R (3586 sym/23 pcs) 2 img

The Door-to-Door Caravan Sampling Problem


1 About The Project Globe Telecom is considering hiring a marketing agency to conduct a door-to-door sampling caravan project to give out free prepaid SIM cards to households across the Philippines. The objective of this project is to increase Globe’s subscriber base while also generating a net profit. The hope is that the free SIM card samples w...

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Analysis of Severe Weather Events Data based on Health Impact and Economic Impact


Synopsis This analysis focuses on the impact of severe weather events on health and economics. The dataset used, StormData, contains 902,297 rows and 37 columns. We subsetted the data to consider specific factors related to health impact (FATALITIES, INJURIES) and economic impact (PROPDMG, PROPDMGEXP, CROPDMG, CROPDMGEXP), categorized by event type...

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