
Carlos Martinez-Rodriguez 7

Graficos de COVID19 en el Querétaro Latest


La Pandemia en México y en el Estado de Querétaro El virus COVID19 llegó al país el día 29 de febrero, fueron dos casos. El 10 de marzo ocurrieon los primeros casos, mismos que ocurrieron en el municipio de Querétaro el 10 de marzo se...

2622 sym R (9577 sym/21 pcs) 51 img

BA 1 step Latest


1. Backgroung Information and Our Goals We have a dataset of Portuguese Bank Marketing campaign. The purpose of the campaign: promotion of term deposits among existing customers by direct phone call Who: Portuguese banking institution When: May...

6785 sym R (12644 sym/75 pcs) 10 img 6 tbl

Thomas Johnson 7

Quiz 1 Latest


# Load packages library(tidyquant) library(tidyverse) # for count() function # Import S&P500 Stock Index SP500 <- tq_index("SP500") SP500 ## # A tibble: 505 x 8 ## symbol company identifier sedol weight sector shares_held local_currency...

1121 sym R (1701 sym/4 pcs)

Anderson Altair Tomkelski 7

FPCC2 - Lab1 Latest


Questão 1 Calcule média e desvio padrão da idade e nível de interesse. As métricas contendos as métricas calculadas para cada curso e nível de interesse devem ser apresentadas de forma ordenada. Além de apresentar no relatório, os...

2586 sym R (2449 sym/18 pcs) 3 img

TM 7

test document Latest


Loading and preprocessing the data library(dplyr) ## ## 次のパッケージを付け加えます: 'dplyr' ## 以下のオブジェクトは 'package:stats' からマスクされています: ## ## filter, lag ##...

1721 sym R (2469 sym/25 pcs) 4 img

Frank 7

Part a: 1987-2009 - Lost Gained - Weighted Tolerance Values Latest


Introduction This is sample report for a randomization test on the weighted mean tolerance values of lost taxa in Red Run. Taxa include all families, orders, and genera. However, Chironomidae and Oligochaeta were excluded due to taxonomic bias and...

420 sym R (504 sym/5 pcs) 1 img

Sentiment Macroeconomics Latest


1.Data Cleaning and Wrangling Download data from Google Trend We made a list of six words: ‘recession’, ‘depression’, ‘slowdown’, ‘downturn’, ‘inflation’, and ‘uncertainty’ and downloaded the frequency of their search...

7722 sym R (14600 sym/38 pcs) 12 img 1 tbl

Trevon Perry 7

STA6543-Perry-Assignment-2 Latest


Chapter 3 Exercises Question 2 - Carefully explain the differences between the KNN classifier and KNN regression methods KNN classifier makes estimates based on the most frequent observations. KNN regression estimates f(x0) using the average of...

5046 sym R (15081 sym/48 pcs) 6 img

Trestle Technology, LLC - R 7

shinyStore – Persistent Client-Side Storage in Shiny Latest


We’re thrilled to announce the availability of shinyStore, an R package that enables HTML5 Web Storage from Shiny, an interactive web application framework for R. A live demo of an example application is available here. Set a text value then...

1539 sym R (239 sym/2 pcs)

YouTube Video Trending Analysis in US Latest


YouTube Video Trending Analysis in US Row row Row...

122 sym