Publications by Tom Matsuno
2023-02-23 Introduction This is a capstone final project of “Data Science Capstone” course of Johns Hopkins Univ. The shiny application is built with quanteda package. The application predicts the next word with the last word, the last two words or the last three words. At the beginning of this project, I built the dataset of words of bigram, ...
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Capstone_week2: Milestone Report
Load data I set the three dataset under the “Data_Science_Capstone” folder. Using the R base such as file connection and readLines, I connected each database and read every lines, and saved them to each variables. setwd("/home/tommat/ドキュメント/Coursera勉強/Johns_Hopkins DATA SCIENCE/Data_Science_Capstone") blogs_file_name <- "final/e...
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2023-02-11 My Shiny Application This is a Shiny application as the project of “Developing Data Products” course. I developed the shiny web which predicts the Chiba Prefecture COVID-19 new patients after 7day by using neighboring region such as Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Ibaraki Prefectures.Choosing the number of today’s new cases of neighb...
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Week 3 assignment
2023-02-11 load library and input dataset(mtcars) MPG and weight Plotly and ggplot2 The plot shows the relation between weight and MPG, categoraized by the number of cylinders. The size of point shows the horse power....
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Executive Summary This report represents the analysis the relationship between some variables and MPG (miles per gallon) with using the mtcars dataset. In order to determine the important variables, regression models are used. The main questions are following: - Which is better for MPG, an automatic or manual transmission? - Evaluate the the differ...
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test document
Loading and preprocessing the data library(dplyr) ## ## 次のパッケージを付け加えます: 'dplyr' ## 以下のオブジェクトは 'package:stats' からマスクされています: ## ## filter, lag ## 以下のオブジェクトは 'package:base' からマスクされています: ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, uni...
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Health and economic damage by severe weather events in US
suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressMessages(library(tidyr)) suppressMessages(library(lubridate)) suppressMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressMessages(library(gt)) Synopsis In terms of health related damage, tornado is the most harmful events with respect to the number of fatalities and the number of events. Excessive heat, flash flood, hea...
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Practical Machine Learning Course: Project
Summary This document is the assignment of the Practical Machine Learning course. Using the several machine learning techniques, I created the prediction model and applied them to the test data. I evaluated each methods and finally I reccomend the best model I tried to. You can see my trial at the following website. Background Using devices such...
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