Publications by vijaybarve
Map biodiversity records with rgbif, maps and ggplot2 packages in R
Global Biodiversity Information Facility or GBIF is an international consortium working towards making Biodiversity information available through single portal to everyone. GBIF with its partners are working towards mobilizing data, developing data and metadata standards, developing distributed database system and making the data accessib...
2015 sym R (534 sym/1 pcs) 6 img
Map biodiversity records with rgbif and dismo packages in R
In the earlier post we generated maps from GBIF biodiversity records using maps and ggplot2 packages. We used world map with country borders for that. Now we will generate maps with google maps as base layer using dismo package. Like earlier we download data for Danaus chrysippus from GBIF using occurrencelist function into a data frame Dan_chr. ...
1128 sym R (493 sym/1 pcs) 6 img
Map biodiversity records with rgbif and ggmap packages in R
When I attended usrR! 2012 last month, there was an interesting presentation by Dr. David Kahle about the package ggmap. It is a package built over ggmap2 and helps us map spatial data over online maps like Google maps or Open Street Maps. I decided to give ggmap package a try with biodiversity data. So first let us create a map for the Plain Tig...
1623 sym R (1206 sym/2 pcs) 8 img
Blue Jay and Scrub Jay : Using rvertnet to check the distributions in R
As part of my Google Summer of Code, I am also working on another package for R called rvertnet. This package is a wrapper in R for VertNet websites. Vertnet is a vertebrate distributed database network consisting of FishNet2, MaNIS, HerpNET, and ORNIS. Out of that currently Fishnet, HerpNET and ORNIS have their v2 portals serving data. r...
2379 sym R (1219 sym/2 pcs) 8 img
Exploring distributions of Ensatina salamander subspecies using rvertnet by Neil Kelly
This week we have a guest blog post by Neil Kelley Last week, I stumbled on Vijay’s blog post demonstrating his new package rvertnet. Although I am a paleontologist, some of my research involves anatomical comparison between extinct species and extant relatives or ecological analogs, so I have some experience using VertNet to track down specim...
5122 sym R (5414 sym/2 pcs) 6 img
GSoC Proposal 2013: Biodiversity Visualizations using R
I am applying for Google Summer of Code 2013 with this “Biodiversity Visualizations using R” proposal. I am posting this idea to get feedback and suggestions from Biodiversity Informatics community. [During next few days I will keep updating this to accommodate suggestions. The example visualizations here are crude examples of the ideas...
4754 sym 10 img
bdvis development version available for early feedback
Google Summer of Code 2013 is half way through. Mid term evaluations are underway. I thought this is a good logical point for us to share what we have been doing for Biodiversity Data Visualizations in R project and open up the package for testing and some early feedback. We have named the package bdvis. The package is on github, and I would appr...
4352 sym Python (856 sym/8 pcs) 12 img
Temporal visualization of records of IndianMoths project using bdvis
I was looking for some data set which has some bias in terms of temporal data. I thought of checking out the data from iNaturalist project IndianMoths. This project is aimed at documenting moths from India. This project was initiated in July 2012 but really caught steam in January 2013, with members contributing regularly, minimum of 100 records ...
2788 sym Python (671 sym/4 pcs) 12 img
Package rinat use case: map of iNaturalist project
iNaturalist projects are collection of records posted on iNatualist. Now that we have a R package rinat from rOpenSci I thought of playing around with the data. Here is a function I wrote, to quickly map all the records of a project using ggmap package. library(ggmap) library(rinat) inatmap <- function(grpid){ data1=get_inat_obs_project(grpid,...
1118 sym R (591 sym/2 pcs) 6 img
GSoC Proposal 2014: package bdvis: Biodiversity Data Visualizations
I am applying for Google Summer of Code 2014 again with “Biodiversity Data Visualizations using R” proposal. We are proposing to take package bdvis to next level by adding more functions and making it available through CRAN. I am posting this idea to get feedback and suggestions from Biodiversity Informatics community. [During next few days I...
4421 sym 10 img