Publications by vijaybarve

package bdvis is on CRAN


We are happy to announce that package bdvis is on CRAN now. bdvis: Biodiversity Data Visualizations Biodiversity data visualizations using R would be helpful to understand completeness of biodiversity inventory, extent of geographical, taxonomic and temporal coverage, gaps and biases in dat...

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Visualizing bdsns data using bdvis


One of the tasks in my Google Summer of Code 2015 was to integrate new package bdsns with existing package bdvis to identify strengths and gaps in the data. This can be achieved with few simple steps. Begin with opening both libraries library(devtools) install_github("vijaybarve/bdsns") install_github("vijaybarve/bdvis") library(bdsns) library(bd...

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Visualize completeness of biodiversity data


Package bdvis: Biodiversity data visualizations using R is helpful to understand completeness of biodiversity inventory, extent of geographical, taxonomic and temporal coverage, gaps and biases in data. Package bdvis version 0.2.6 is on CRAN now. This version has several features added since version 0.1.0. I plan to post set of blog entries here ...

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Creating figures like the paper ‘Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge of Plants of Ghana’ Part 1


Recently I got to read the paper about Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge DAK by Alex Asase and A. Townsend Peterson. I really enjoyed reading the paper and liked the way the figures are presented. There is a lot of overlap of this with my work on package bdvis (of course under guidance of Town Peterson). So I thought I will share so...

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Creating figures like the paper ‘Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge of Plants of Ghana’ Part 2


Continuing from Part 1, in case you have not done so, please set up the data as described before we try to make this temporal polar plot. To create Figure 1b. Graph showing accumulation of records through time (during the year) we need  use function tempolar. This name ‘tempolar’ is simply a short of ‘temporal polar’. For this plot, w...

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Creating figures like the paper ‘Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge of Plants of Ghana’ Part 3


This is the third part of the of the post where we are replicating the figures from a paper and in this part we are going to create figure 2 the Chronohorogram. Part 2 of this series we created temporal plot for understanding seasonality of the data records (Figure 1b). If you have not already done so, please follow steps in Part 1 of the post t...

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Creating figures like the paper ‘Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge of Plants of Ghana’ Part 4


This is the fourth part of the of the post where are going to create figure 4 Plot of Inventory Completeness against sample size for grid cells. Part 3 of this series we created chronohorogram for understanding seasonality by year of the data records. If you have not already done so, please follow steps in Part 1 of the post to set up the da...

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Mapping Biodiversity data on smaller than one degree scale


Guest Post by Enjie (Jane) LI I have been using bdvis package (version 0.2.9) to visualize the iNaturalist records of RAScals project ( Initially, the mapgrid function in the bdvis version 0.2.9 was written to map the number of records, number of species and completeness in a 1-degree cell grid (~111k...

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GSoC 2017 : Integrating biodiversity data curation functionality


By Thiloshon Nagarajah URL of project idea page: Introduction The importance of data in the biodiversity research has been repeatedly stressed in the recent times and various organizations have come together and followed each other to provide data f...

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GSoC 2017 : Biodiversity data cleaning


By Ashwin Agrawal URL of the Project Idea: Introduction There are an increasing number of scientists using R for their data analyses, however, the skill set required to handle biodiversity data in R, is considerably varies. Since, users need to retrieve, manage and assess h...

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