Publications by tylerrinker
Using R to Reason & Test Theory: A Case Study from the Field of Reading Education
This past week I was preparing slides for a reading assessment class with a lecture focus on the Visual Word Form Area [VWFA] (Cohen, et al., 2000). This is an area of the brain that is hypothesized to be able to see words (plus morphemes and likely smaller chunks) as shapes, as picture forms and that may have a connecting link between the visu...
6512 sym R (15568 sym/4 pcs) 6 img
Math Notation for R Plot Titles: expression and bquote
In this post you will learn: How to create expressions that have mixed (1) strings, (2) expressions, & (3) numbers How to pass in values as variables to an expression I wanted to name this post “Ahhhhhhhhhhh #[email protected]%&!!!!” but SEO isn’t terrific for this title so I tried to make the actual title as Googleable as possible. I�...
5141 sym R (403 sym/3 pcs) 18 img
ggplot2: How Geoms & Aesthetics ≈ Whipped Cream
In this post I have a few goals: 1. Become (re-)familiar with available geoms 2. Become (re-)familiar with aesthetic mappings in geoms (stroke who knew?) 3. Answer these questions: How often do various geoms appear and how often do they have required aesthetics? How often do various aesthetics appear and how often are they required? What geoms a...
7514 sym R (10014 sym/14 pcs) 22 img