Publications by tylerrinker

What Would Cohen Have Titled “The Earth is Round (p < .05)” in 2014?


The area of bibliometrics is not my area of expertise but is still of interest as a researcher. I sometimes think about how Google has impacted the way we title articles. Gone are the days of witty, snappy titles. Title selection is an art form but of a different kind. Generally, researchers try to construct titles of the most searchable keyw...

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qdap 2.1.1 Released


We’re very pleased to announce the release of qdap 2.1.1 This is the latest installment of the qdap package available at CRAN. Several important updates have occurred since we last blogged about the 1.3.1 release (demoing Version 1.3.1), most notable: Text checking that simplifies and standardizes (includes spell checking and a Cleaning Text ...

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Hijacking R Functions: Changing Default Arguments


I am working on a package to collect common regular expressions into a canned collection that users can easily use without having to know regexes. The package, qdapRegex, has a bunch of functions in the form of rm_xxx. The only difference between each function is one default parameter, the regular expression pattern is different. I had a default ...

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Spell Checker for R…qdap::check_spelling


I often have had requests for a spell checker for R character vectors. The utils::aspell function can be used to check spelling but many Windows users have reported difficulty with the function. I came across an article on spelling in R entitled “Watch Your Spelling!” by Kurt Hornik and Duncan Murdoch. The paper walks us through definition...

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Canned Regular Expressions: qdapRegex 0.1.2 on CRAN


We’re pleased to announce first CRAN release of qdapRegex! You can read about qdapRegex or skip right to the examples. qdapRegex is a collection of regular expression tools associated with the qdap package that may be useful outside of the context of discourse analysis. The package uses a dictionary system to uniformly perform extraction, rem...

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Exploration of Letter Make Up of English Words


This blog post will do a quick exploration of the grapheme make up of words in the English. Specifically we will use R and the qdap package to answer 3 questions: What is the distribution of word lengths (number of graphemes)? What is the frequency of letter (grapheme) use in English words? What is the distribution of letters positioned within w...

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rmarkdown: Alter Action Depending on Document


Can I see a show of hands for those who love rmarkdown? Yeah me too. One nifty feature is the ability to specify various document prettifications in the YAML of a .Rmd document and then use: rmarkdown::render("foo.Rmd", "all") The Problem Have you ever said, “I wish I could do X for document type A and Y for document type B”? I have, as seen...

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GTrendsR package to Explore Google trending for Field Dependent Terms


My friend, Steve Simpson, introduced me to Philippe Massicotte and Dirk Eddelbuettel’s GTrendsR GitHub package this week. It’s a pretty nifty wrapper to the Google Trends API that enables one to search phrase trends over time. The trend indices that are given are explained in more detail here:

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Visualizing APA 6 Citations: qdapRegex 0.2.0 & qdapTools 1.1.0


qdapRegex 0.2.0 & qdapTools 1.1.0 have been released to CRAN.  This post will provide some of the packages’ updates/features and provide an integrate demonstration of extracting and viewing in-text APA 6 style citations from an MS Word (.docx) document. qdapRegex 0.2.0 The qdapRegex package is meant to provide access to canned, common regular...

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Scheduling R Tasks via Windows Task Scheduler


This post will allow you to impress your boss with you’re strong work ethic by enabling Windows R users to schedule late night tasks.  Picture it, your boss gets an email at 1:30 in the morning with the latest company data as a beautiful report.  I’m quite sure Linux and Mac users are able to do this rather easily via cron.  ...

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